What is Tanzania best known for? Tanzania is mostly known as the home of the most famous national parks and natural attractions, Tanzania is the animal kingdom that has a lot of national parks. There are most of the famous national parks as well as the historical sites that are well known around the world to thrill while on Tanzania Safaris Tours.

Tanzania is best known because of the following.

The Kilimanjaro Mountain.

Tanzania is highly known as the home of the highest mountain in Africa. The majesty Mount Kilimanjaro is the snowcapped volcanic mountain and the world’s tallest free standing mountain, as well as the tallest mountain in Africa with the height of 5,895 Meters. The Kilimanjaro Mountain is located on the North- East part of Tanzania in the Kilimanjaro region. It’s the 4th  summits among the seven summits and considered as the simplest among them all well maybe it’s considered simple by the athletes and the walkers  as it goes through from the grasslands, tropical rain forest, desert uplands and finally to the ice and snows at the summit.

Just on the floors of the Kilimanjaro Mountain there is the Kilimanjaro national park which is the home of different wild animals. The Kilimanjaro forest is the home of many wild animals that are highly protected and they live on the tropical rainforest. You’re assured to meet the forest monkey during the hiking of Mount Kilimanjaro that makes the large percentage of the mammals in the Kilimanjaro forest. The animals on this mountain forest cannot be easily since they are found deep into the forest. More than 1,200 vascular plants species which includes the beautiful seasonal flowers such as the , the red hot pokers, fireball lily, tussock, lobelia and many other flower species.

What is Tanzania best known for?
Mount Kilimanjaro

Tanzania is also known because of the Serengeti national park.

The Kilimanjaro forest is the home of many wild animals that are highly protected and they live on the tropical rainforest. You’re assured to meet the forest monkey during the hiking of Mount Kilimanjaro that makes the large percentage of the mammals in the Kilimanjaro forest. The animals on this mountain forest cannot be easily since they are found deep into the forest. More than 1,200 vascular plants species which includes the beautiful seasonal flowers such as the , the red hot pokers, fireball lily, tussock, lobelia and many other flower species.

 The Serengeti national park gained its famous because of the great migration. . The great migration is among the Seven Wonders of the World. The animal’s move over 800 kilometers the animals moves to follow the rain, they are so many hence they cannot depend on pasture from a single place hence their movement is necessary. During the great movement there are about 2 million wildebeest that leads the way, followed by 400,000 zebras, 1800 eland and 200,000 Thompson’s gazelles. The timing of this movement is rarely the same annually in terms of timing as well as directions. The timing of this migrations depends on the rain seasons patterns.

The Ngorongoro crater is also one of the things that has made the Tanzania to be known best

The world’s largest inactive caldera that was formed due to the gigantic volcanic eruptions and located on the northern part of Tanzania is the most beautiful tourism attraction. The Ngorongoro crater is about 600m deep, 16km across and 265 kilometer in area. The landscape is dessert like areas swamps land and the green oasis that is covered by the wide range of wildlife. The word Ngorongoro is the Maasai word which means the gift of life and from the moment you step into this incredible land is when you will realize why it’s named that way. This crater is the home of many wild animals and more incredibly is the home of the big five rest, if it’s your dream to see the big five then here is the perfect place see the big five all at once.

The crater is also the home of different bird species, the beautiful pink flamingos have creatively decorated this area around the Empakai crater and water falls. Most significantly Ngorongoro crater has the largest population of lions in East Africa. It’s almost impossible not to see the lion in the park because there are approximately 62 lions.

The white sandy beaches of Zanzibar has made Tanzania to be well known.

Zanzibar is made up of the colorful history and rich unique heritages that can be seen in the strong Arabic, Indian, African and European influences. The culture and ways of life of the people of Zanzibar are more unique as they are combined by diverse cultures that occurred during the colonial era, which had a major impact on the culture of these people.

Zanzibar is dream beach destination of anyone who loves beaches, the name itself reflects the images of the tropical paradise. The beaches of Zanzibar are mostly famous holiday destination and vacation sites, Zanzibar offers more than just romantic coastlines and amazing sunsets but they can offer you with the great unforgettable experience that will feed your soul. Zanzibar is the home of adorable beaches, balmy weather and warm tropical waters that can make you want to spend your whole day in them, coral reefs and rich marine diversity which makes it a perfect place for the underwater snorkeling and diving activities.

What is Tanzania best known for?
Zanzibar Beaches

The home of elephants and the baobab trees of Tarangire national park.

The Tarangire national park is well known as the home of more than 300 elephants and the only park in Tanzania that has a large density of the elephants, the spot of elephants will the first thing that will amaze you during the game drive. The best time to visit Tarangire national park would be in the dry season that is around the June through October.

Tarangire national park is located in Manyara region in Tanzania and covers the 2850 square kilometers that is composed of the landscape of river valleys, granitic ridge and huge swamps. It’s named after the river that crosses on the park which is river Tarangire. Although it’s a seasonal park but it offers the eye catching view to distant volcanic mountains range.

Tanzania is also famous because of the Maasai tribe that are found in the Ngorongoro crater and on the plains of the Serengeti national park. This tribe is very famous because of their unique culture that can be experienced anywhere else in the world. Learning their life styles, their arts and crafts, the most entertain part is the performance from the Maasai warriors. The Maasai lives with their families known as the Manyatas, as the build small houses in the same compound and live together while on the safari tour in the northern circuits. The Maasai community are well known for their kind and they’re the most welcoming people, their smiles can make you feel welcomed all the time.

The Tanzanite that are only found in Tanzania makes it known best for.

The tanzanite are the most precious stone that are only found in Tanzania to thrill while on Tanzania Safaris Tours. These valuable stones are only found in Tanzania in Arusha Region, this stones are one of the important things that has made Tanzania famous for. Visit the beautiful gemstones museum the famous Tanzanite museum, get introduced to the gemstone Tanzanite and its history.  Learn about how Tanzanite is mined, polished as well as the art of cutting it, it’s also the change to be aware of this gemstones and how unique they are since they are only found in Tanzania.  The beautiful blue\violet gemstone are beautiful as they glitter, you can also buy direct from this museum if there is the piece that you really like.

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