6 Days  Tanzania wildebeest migration safari

This 6 days Tanzania wildebeest migration safari is crafted to suit those who intend to spend more time experiencing the great wildebeest migration. It will increases your chances of having fully experience this annual exodus if wildebeest as they make their way from Serengeti crossing the Mara river   to Masai Mara in Kenya. The great wildebeest migration is a much anticipated event of the year an many travel enthusiasts join in to witness this world wonder, not that this event starts in  April in  Serengeti as the wildlife make their way to Masai mara national reserve in Kenya.

Facts about Tanzania

Trip summary

Day 1:  pick up and transfer to Ngorongoro conservation area.

Day 2: the great wildebeest migration experience Ngorongoro- Serengeti lobo area.

Day 3: wildebeest migration   in Serengeti national park lobo area.

Day 4:  wildebeest migration experience at Serengeti (lobo area) and northern Serengeti area (wagakuria area)

Day 5 : Great migration at northern Tanzania Wagakuria area.

Day 6:  wildebeest experience in northern area and transfer to Arusha.

Detailed safari Itinerary

Day 1 of 6 Days Tanzania wildebeest migration safari: Pick up and transfer to Ngorongoro conservation area.

  You will be picked by our guide from your hotel, you will later embark on a transfer to ngorongoro conservation area through the lush countryside. Upon your arrival to the ngorongoro conservation area, you will check in at your lodge for lunch. Later you head into the crater approximately 600 meters deep to have the experience of the wildlife. Ngorongoro because of the rich vegetation and availability of water has led to the thriving of wildlife species. Some of the wildlife that call ngorongoro crater include lions, elephants, buffaloes, wildebeest, zebras, cheetahs,  giraffes, rhinos, leopards , gazelles, jackals ,cheetahs  among others. You will also have an opportunity to visit Lake Magadi one of the main features of the crater. At the lake, you will be in position to see flamingoes and other bird species.  Later head back to your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 2 of 6 days Tanzania wildebeest migration safari: Ngorongoro – Serengeti wildebeest migration lobo area.

In the morning after breakfast, you will head to Serengeti national park area at lobo area north of Soronera area (the central part of Serengeti national park). This part of Serengeti sees several wildebeest progress with their migration in the month of July as they head to Masai mara national reserve in Kenya.  You will make your observations in the movement of wildlife as the transcend n the lobo areas.

6 Days  Tanzania wildebeest migration safari
Serengeti Wildebeests

 Later you will withdraw from the trail of the wildebeest and head to the lodge for lunch, later after lunch head for an afternoon game drive in the park search for wildlife. Some of the wildlife you will come across include buffaloes, wildebeests, elephants, giraffes, hyenas, gazelles, hyenas, impalas, zebras, elands, rhinos, cheetahs, among others.  Later head back to your lodge for dinner an overnight stay.

Day 3 of 6 days Tanzania wildebeest migration safari: experience of Serengeti lobo area.

Have your breakfasts and head for a full day game drive at Serengeti national park in the lobo area and around Grumeti River. This area has a wide assortment of wildlife to mention lions, rhinos, crocodiles at the river, zebras, buffaloes, giraffes, elands, jackals, hyenas, wildebeests, gazelles, cheetahs. The game drive is an opportunity to have long time experience of the wilderness and its constituents.  Later after the game drive, you will head to the lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 4 of 6 Days Tanzania wildebeest migration safari: move from lobo area of Serengeti to Northern part of Serengeti  wagakuria area.

Have you breakfasts in the morning an engage a drive to the far north part of Serengeti national park palace known as wagakuria. While on the game drive, you will have sightings of giraffes, zebras, herds of elephants, elands among others.

Upon arrive, you will have your lunch, later after lunch you will head for the experience of wildlife in wagakuria . The wildebeest usually convene in these area in the month of August – October depending on the rainfall patterns, this part of northern Serengeti stretches to the Mara River which often offers a strenuous obstacles for the wildebeest, the Mara offers also offers an experience of the most dramatic scenes most thought after by the travelers, that see wildebeest struggle to make their way in   stampede over the crocodile infested Mara river.  Later head back to your lodge for dinner an overnight stay.

Day 5 of 6 days Tanzania wildebeest migration safari: northern Serengeti experience.

 On this day after breakfast, you will head to wild in search for wildlife, this area during the migration period hosts a huge number of wildlife especially prides of lions that wait to pounce on the wildebeest that keep crossing.  Have your experience and of the northern Serengeti for the entire day. Later dinner and overnight at the lodge.

Day 6 0f 6 days Tanzania wildebeest migration safari: morning game drive and transfer to Arusha.

Have your morning breakfast, you will embark on a game drive as you enroute to Kogatende  air strip,  you will maximize your wildlife viewing opportunities and later catch your flight to Arusha.

End of safari

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