Facts about Tanzania : Tanzania is a country with very unique and immense beauty and wonders that some cannot be found any other part of the world. It’s located in the eastern part of Africa and covers the total average area.

Tanzania is the perfect Safari destination, because of its many world class opportunities for game spotting and birds watching. Tanzania is made up many national park of which some of them are the largest park in Africa. The most spectacular part is the beautiful landscapes which are very unique and are not found anywhere else in the world, as it ranges from the grasslands, woodlands, rocky formation all the up to  different  mountain peaks. Most of the Tanzania safaris you will met the big five a number of national parks such as Serengeti and Ngorongoro are the perfect places for the big fives in just few hours you will have a sight of all the big five animals and most like to the rest of national parks in Tanzania.

Witness the mass movement of millions of animals as they migrate between Serengeti national park and Maasai Mara of Kenya as this movement is led by millions of the wildebeest followed by over 200,000 zebra and then later joined by the 300,000 Thompsons gazelles as they seek for green and fresh pastures, water and escaping from the predators.

Facts about Tanzania

  1. About 30% of Tanzania is made of the national parks

There are more than 10 national parks in Tanzania including both large ones and the small ones too. In their order due to the area that they cover the biggest is Serengeti national park which covers the total area of 14763 kilometers square, Followed by Ngorongoro of 8,292 kilometers square, Manyara of 325 kilometers squares and Mikumi national park that covers the total area of 3230 square kilometers these are the big 4 national parks while there are many more. The most famous national park is the Serengeti national park and that is well loved by the tourists, about 150-200 million visitors have a tour in this national park per year.

Facts about Tanzania
Serengeti Wildebeest

This national park is famous because first is the home of the great wildebeest movement, the home of the big five and also it’s the home of the endless plains at has the lovely vegetation cover that is habited by different animals such as lions (the national park with large population of lions), home of great buffalos herds, elephants, giraffes, leopards, gazelles and the eastern black rhinos.

The other famous national park is the Selous game reserve which is habited by the large populations of elephants without forgetting Tarangire national park as the national park with large herds of elephant’s populations and many scattered baobab trees. The Gombe stream national park gained fame after the scientific studies of the chimpanzee that was conducted by Dr. Jane Goodall.

  1. The great animal migration

this the grand annual movement is when the millions of the wildebeest followed by over 200,000 zebra and then later joined by the 300,000 Thompsons gazelles as they seek for green and fresh pastures, water and escaping from the predators thus Facts about Tanzania. The game viewing is special as the land stretches across sunburnt savannah to give a spectacular view of the golden horizon at the end of the earth as the sunset and goes down the earth. The great golden scenery turns into the flawless green carpet that covers the whole landscape as soon as the rain drops lands on it and makes the major transformation.

The great wildebeest migration is among the Seven Wonders of the World. The animal’s move over 800 kilometers the animals moves to follow the rain, they are so many hence they cannot depend on pasture from a single place hence their movement is necessary. During the great movement there are about 2 million wildebeest that leads the way, followed by 400,000 zebras, 1800 eland and 200,000 Thompson’s gazelles. The timing of this movement is rarely the same annually in terms of timing as well as directions, timing of this migrations depends on the rain seasons patterns. June – august The best time for the great migrations is between this these month , this is normally the beginning of the dry season in Serengeti national park hence the animals starts to move towards the north west parts of the national park. In august is the perfect time to see the movements towards the Mara River as the herds of animal’s plunges into the crocodiles as they cross towards the Maasai Mara game reserve in Kenya.

Facts about Tanzania
Wildebeest Migrations
  1. The tallest mountain in Africa the Kilimanjaro Mountain.

The majesty tall standing Mount Kilimanjaro is the snowcapped volcanic mountain and the world’s tallest free standing mountain, as well as the tallest mountain in Africa with the height of 5,895 Meters. The Kilimanjaro Mountain is located on the North- East part of Tanzania in the Kilimanjaro region. It’s the 4th  summits among the seven summits and considered as the simplest among them all well maybe it’s considered simple by the athletes and the walkers  as it goes through from the grasslands, tropical rain forest, desert uplands and finally to the ice and snows at the summit. Its adventures, fun and a great experience of hiking in the Kilimanjaro you move from different landscape from the grassland up the snow and ice. Along the way you will amazed by the wildlife that is found on the forest as well as the different plant species. The well experienced and trained staffs are there throughout the hiking as they make sure safety and to make most of climbing   fun and easier. Have the time to hike and admire the beauty of nature while at the roof top of the Africa continent, Facts about Tanzania .

  1. The Ngorongoro crater and conservation area.

This is the very famous volcanic explosion that happened many years ago and left a hollow hole that is 600 meters deep and inhabited by different wild animals. Park as exceptional amazing as the tourists can enjoy the beautiful view as they descend 600 meters into the crater where they can have a closer and the most amazing views of the wild animals. The Ngorongoro crater is the home of black rhinos which are the rare species but can be spotted on this crater. The large number of predators can be also viewed during the game drive predators such as leopards, lions, and cheetah can be spotted as they hunt their prey. The Ngorongoro conservation area is inhabited of about 30 black rhinos so probably you will spot a few of them on the drive.  It also has almost 3000 elands, about 7000 wildebeests and probably 300 elephants, there are many more animals you will spot but these are just a few to mention, Facts about Tanzania ..

Facts about Tanzania
Ngorongoro Crater Safaris
  1. Tarangire national park, the home of lions that climb trees and the habitat of baobab trees.

 The mighty Tarangire national park is highly decorated by the thick standing tall commonly known as the baobab trees. These trees are believed to have lived many years some up to one thousand years. On your tour to Tarangire you will have a chance to see the oldest baobab tree found in this park trees that lived over 1,000 years. The baobab trees are beautiful and fascinating trees that can be seen as they decorate the Tarangire national park.

The wonders of the lions in this national park is that they have the ability to climb trees and there is no any reason that clearly says as to why they climb trees. Watching this lions climb the trees is one of the amazing experience that can only be found here in Tanzania and in Tarangire national park.

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