Things to do in Tanzania :  Have you ever wondered what your tour in Tanzania be like or even in Africa will look like? Maybe you’re wondering what activities are you going to be involved into apart from just watching the animals I the national park, well Tanzania safaris will not disappoint you as there are many different activities that will make you forget about everything and enjoy every single moment here, and many you might want to stay even more here. The safari in Tanzania is just perfect and you might want to try each activity here and well on thing I can really advice you is to have extra cash in your bugged for other activities that might interest you even more.

Tanzania has the biggest national parks in Africa such as Ngorongoro crater and Serengeti national park hence meeting the big five is an assurance these are the animals kingdoms. Other national parks such as the Tarangire the land of large herds of elephants and the baobab trees are amazing.

Well the national parks are not the only tourism sites in Tanzania let’s talk about the tallest Mountain in Africa and the world’s tallest free standing mountain the pride and joy of reaching the highest peak is Africa cannot explained in words you really need this experience. Hiking the second highest mountain in Tanzania will not disappoint you either as it’s the perfect place for the magnificent views of the Kilimanjaro mountain.

Visit the spectacular land of spices and the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar is one not to be missed as t will make you relax and have a peaceful holiday. Destination to the safari in Tanzania is whole package as it will be amazing in all aspects without forgetting the bird lovers then this is the land of wonders as the Tanzania national parks are the hosts of both natives and migratory birds.

Things to do in Tanzania
Mount Kilimanjaro

Activities to do Tanzania safari.

  • Game drive and enjoy the wildlife in the national parks in Tanzania.

Tanzania is the perfect destination for animals, as there many nationals parks In Tanzania and the most common is the Serengeti national park which is the land of the endless plains is located on the northern part of Tanzania and covers the total area of 14,763 square kilometers.  This national park is highly famous the home of large population of lions in the world. It’s also renowned for its other predators such as the cheetahs, leopards, spotted hyenas and many more. It’s a guarantee to meet the big five on a safari to this national park. Explore the wildness on this endless plain on a game drive as you will get closer to the wild animals and learn more of their behaviors closely and feel the nature in person. Another way of enjoying the beauty of this national park is through the hot air balloons that are offered here, have the most spectacular view of the great migration from the top.

Meet the big 5 on a game drives in Ngorongoro national park as exceptional amazing as the tourists can enjoy the beautiful view as they descend 600 meters into the crater where they can have a closer and the most amazing views of the wild animals. The Ngorongoro crater is the home of black rhinos which are the rare species but can be spotted on this crater. The large number of predators can be also viewed during the game drive predators such as leopards, lions, and cheetah can be spotted as they hunt their prey. The Ngorongoro conservation area is inhabited of about 30 black rhinos so probably you will spot a few of them on the drive.  It also has almost 3000 elands, about 7000 wildebeests and probably 300 elephants, there are many more animals you will spot but these are just a few to mention.

Meet the lions that can climb trees in Tanzania in Serengeti national park as they are amazing, and the other special thing about this national park is seeing about 300 elephants in a single herd as they are found herein large population. Without forgetting the large baobab tree which is the habitat of different bird species and food to the animals especially the elephants.

  • Bird watch in most of the national parks in Tanzania

There are different bird species that are found in Tanzania which are both native and the migratory birds. Most of the bird watching activities are normally perfect during the wet season which is between March and May there are many birds and hence it’s the breeding season for the birds.

The perfect destination for the bird watching activities includes at the Mikumi national park, enjoy the beautiful sight of more than 500 different bird species that are found in this national park. Visit the Mikumi national park and have this golden chance of seeing variety of bird species and with assurance of seeing them. The best time for bird watching in this park is during the wet season as both residential as well as the migratory birds are found here. The most common bird species you will encounter with are Zanzibar red bishops, yellow throated long claw, lilac breasted roller these are among the rest. The perfect place for the water associated birds are found around the Hippo pools and Mwanambogo dam. Birds such as fish eagles, African spoonbill and hamerkop.


Manyara National Park is another perfect place for bird watching activities in Tanzania, The most common bird species that is fund in this national park are the pink flamingos that are found along the shores of the Lake Manyara. Different bird species are found here both the native as well as the migratory birds. Other birds species found here are the ostriches, storks, hornbills, pelicans, herons, grey crowned cranes secretary birds thus to mention a few among many.

  • Sport fishing in Tanzania

The felling of sport fishing at the shores of the Indian Ocean is all exciting whether experienced angler or not, the pride and joy of getting the bite and the struggle to land a fish that is determined to escape from the catch is unexplainable that requires a personal experience as the struggle is not easy at all as the success feels even more good.

The fresh water lakes of Tanzania offers the great opportunity for visitors to experience the adventure of sport fishing which is widely growing currently. Fishing on the fresh water can be in Lake Victoria which is world’s largest fresh water. Fly and lake fishing is normally done in the remote areas that gives the most relaxation feeling while enjoying the peaceful environment of the lake with the most amazing sceneries.  The local fisher men will be gladly to be part of this refreshment as they will be willing to take you along on their daily fishing trips and to show you the places to get started. The best scenery of the sun set during the fishing activities is even more special, fishing while watching the as the sun sinks deep into water is whole beautiful experience that is not to be missed. The Lake Victoria is the home of Nile perch and Tilapia as they are found in abundancy.

  • Mountain Hiking (e.g. Hiking the Great Kilimanjaro Mountain and Meru Mountain)

The Kilimanjaro Mountain is the highest mountain in Africa as well as the world’s free standing mountain. When in Tanzania one of the things not to miss is hiking the Kilimanjaro as it will give you the pride and the happiness of the accomplishment. It doesn’t require any special hiking skills to reach the Uhuru peak anyone can try to hike this mountain it’s normally termed as the simplest mountain to hike but at some point is also hard due to the difference in altitudes.

The mount Meru is the cousin of the Kilimanjaro Mountain, hiking this mountain is quite simple not like the Kilimanjaro Mountain but it gives the beautiful sceneries of the Kilimanjaro Mountain. This mountain has a wide range of the spectacular landscape that has the beautiful scenery along the way have the view of different animals.

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