When To Go To Kenya: Climate, Temperatures, And Seasons : Kenya’s climate, which is affected by monsoons from the Indian Ocean and is characterized by nearly constant temperatures throughout the year, is located in the equatorial belt of the African continent. The two rainy seasons—the heavy rains in April through June and the light rains in November—as well as the two dry seasons—a longer one with milder temperatures from July through October and a shorter one with higher temperatures from mid-December to March—define the climate. The rains typically take the shape of showers or thunderstorms, frequently in the evening, which frequently allow for the presence of the sun even when it is raining. The ideal time to see the Great Migration of wildebeests and zebras, who cross into Kenya from the Serengeti to feed new grass, is from July to October.

Climate and seasons

Kenya, which is divided in half by the equator, has three distinct climates: torrid in the north; temperate in the west and southwest, where there are mountains, parks, and plateaus; and hot and humid along the coast. Generally speaking, February–March is the hottest season, while July–August is the coolest.

The dry season, which lasts from October to March and is characterized by hot winds from Arabia, and the humid season, which lasts from April to September and is characterized by cooler winds from the Indian Ocean, are both determined by the wind. The “season of long rains” from April to June and the less intense “season of short rains” from October to December are designated as the commencement of the two time periods, respectively. Rainfall is sporadic and usually takes the form of an afternoon or evening rainstorm; it is more common around the coast and in the southwest.

Average temperatures and precipitation

The climate is mild on the plateaus, and temperature and rainfall are affected by altitude and exposure. Nairobi’s capital experiences comfortable daytime temperatures and chilly evening lows, with maximum temperatures of 21/22 °C from June to August and minimums of 10/11 °C, and maximum temperatures of 25/26 °C and minimums of 12/14 °C from January to March (the warmest months).

April through May and October through December are the rainy seasons, when the rain falls as a downpour. The months with the most sunshine are January and February. There aren’t ever fully dry spells in the 1500-meter-high Masai Mara wildlife reserve, but April and July are the wettest and driest months, respectively. The minimum temperature is 12 °C, and the temperature ranges from 25 to 28 °C throughout the year. Amboseli National Park and Tsavo National Park have highs that are almost constantly above 30 °C, while the lows are below 20. These parks are hotter and drier than those in the center of the plateau.


Dress comfortably by wearing cotton shorts and longs, light t-shirts or shirts, a sweatshirt or jacket for the evening, and a coat while visiting northern parks. Preferably neutral colors. The animals are disturbed by the vivid hues. Although it is normally hot, the morning and evening hours are cooler and windier. Since the northern parks are located at altitudes above 1000 meters, it is advised to pack some heavier clothing for the evening and early morning. Suitable footwear, Sunglasses, a hat, cocoa butter, and sunscreen, repellant for mosquitoes, English-style power adapters are needed to charge cameras, extra memory cards, and binoculars. Due to the jeep’s extremely small trunk, soft luggage is advised.

Suitcase recommended

Fly Safari Con Cessna Aircraft: If you fly locally to get to the parks directly, your luggage must be soft and not weigh more than 15 kilograms. 67 cm long, 35 cm wide, and 35 cm high is the suggested suitcase size.

Safari By Road: Since there isn’t much room for luggage in off-road vehicles, it’s crucial to retain a small soft-material bag or suitcase and only bring the necessities. Additionally, this will make it easier to move between parks. You can find a hair dryer, bubble bath, shampoo, body lotion, and body lotion inside your tent or lodge.

Medicines and vaccinations

Malaria prevention is optional (a personal decision). Please get in touch with your primary care physician or the local tropical disease center for more information. Mandatory yellow fever for travelers arriving from endemic regions like Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (a trip of less than 12 hours does not entail the requirement). Here are some medications to have when visiting Kenya:

  • Tachipirina for fever and pain
  • Antihistamines
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics
  • Antidiarrheal
  • Intestinal antibiotics
  • Decongestant eye drops
  • Probiotics
  • High-protection sun creams (we are at the Equator, and it is advisable to use a 50-protection sun cream)


Moi International Airport, Mombasa

Moi International Airport Mombasa is located 135 kilometers from Malindi and Watamu. Perfect for seeing the southern parks that extend into the sea. Turkish, Qatar, Ethiopian, Air France, Kenya Airways, Lufthansa, Etihad, KLM, Emirates, Swiss, and other airlines are available. From Italy, there are direct charter flights to Mombasa regarding safaris that begin along the seaside.

The distance between Mombasa’s Moi International Airport and the beach resorts of Malindi and Watamu is around 135 kilometers, or approximately 02.30 hours, depending on traffic.

 Kenya may be reached by a large number of airline carriers via direct or connecting flights. A few of the charter flights (which are frequently purchased as part of travel packages) include AIRITALY, BLUPANORAMA, and NEOS, which have direct flights from Italy and arrive in Mombasa. The duration of a stopover trip varies depending on how long the intermediate stoppage lasts, while a direct journey lasts approximately 7 and a half hours.

Tickets may also be purchased directly from airlines through their websites, through sales websites, or at a reputable agency. Depending on the airline picked, there will likely be an intermediate stopover since scheduled aircraft rarely make direct trips. If you want to combine a safari in the southern parks like Tsavo East and West and Amboseli with a beach vacation (Malindi or Watamu), Mombasa is the perfect place to arrive.

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport Nairobi

Nairobi, the capital and largest city of Kenya, is home to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. The ideal option is to fly to Nairobi if you want to embark on a safari in the parks of Northern Kenya (Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru, Lake Bogoria, Lake Naivasha, Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Solio Ranch, Samburu Reserve, Meru National Park, etc.).

The ideal option is to fly to Nairobi and back to Mombasa if your safari involves leaving for the northern parks and then descending toward the coast. Alternatively, you might arrive and depart from Nairobi before taking a domestic flight back from Malindi or Mombasa.

Kenya Domestic Flights

If you’ve selected a route that lands and takes off in Nairobi, you can take an internal flight to get to the several coastal locations (Mombasa, Malindi, Watamu, and Lamu). Domestic flight providers include KENYA AIRWAYS, FLY 540, and JAMBOJET.

When To Go To Kenya
Kenya Airways


TENTED CAMP: “canvas” curtains set on wooden or stone platforms, tastefully decorated, and outfitted with all the conveniences needed for the excitement of a wild-chic safari. The room has a hot-water shower and bathroom. Most of the tented camps provide the conveniences of a five-star hotel while also respecting the natural environment.

 LODGE: Masonry rooms resembling hotel rooms, but with African-inspired decor to evoke the mood of a savannah setting. There are various kinds of lodges, including standalone cottages that, in some ways, resemble tents but are made of brick or individual rooms inside a building that closely resembles a hotel. For individuals who need hotel comforts but in a more natural setting.

Safari: Tented camp or lodge

Lodge or tent camp? The tented camp is frequently viewed as a simpler, more traditional camping approach. We are a long way from the tented camp’s actual setting. Due to their greater exclusivity and intimacy, tented camps are frequently more attractive than lodges and perhaps more expensive. They gave you the chance to go on a safari in the past because they were situated in upscale locations and surrounded by the wildest environment.

The tents are made of “canvas” and supported by a wooden or concrete base furnished with cozy mattresses, carpets, and jewelry that evokes the safari of the early settlers. You can unwind and take in the savannah in the sitting area and outdoor veranda, a solar-powered shower and sink in a cozy bathroom. To stay cool during the hottest times, use fans. Tented camps, as opposed to lodges, are less disruptive and focused on the idea of environmental sustainability.

Safari: Lodge or tented camp

In addition to having more rooms than the tented camp, the lodge’s construction complies with hotel design standards. They have the benefit of frequently providing you with distinctive scenarios because they are frequently engaged in beautiful contexts. From the veranda of your room, you may watch elephant families come to the nearby watering holes at night to drink.

For those who are more apprehensive of being in a wilder environment, the rooms offer all the amenities that a 5-star hotel can offer. There are also options that offer cottage rooms as a middle ground between a tented camp and a lodge. There are masonry-built rooms with an architecture extremely reminiscent of a tented camp, where the line separating the two realities is less distinct. The night in the savannah is one of the most breathtaking and unique experiences, regardless of what you decide.


There is no better place than Africa with its renowned Big Five if you prefer to “capture” animals with your camera than on a photography safari (or game drive). It is a form of hobby that combines a love of travel and photography and is centered on looking for the most exciting locations where it is possible to see and shoot animals in the wild, including lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, elephants, and buffaloes.

The primary benefit of the photography safari is that it is planned by an “expert guide,” who leads photographers to the most scenic vantage locations, those with the best lighting for outstanding photos, and obviously in the sighting zones. A photographic safari in Africa entails not only fully experiencing a journey but also recording spectacular moments for posterity.

A photographic trip to Africa

A photographic expedition in Africa enables you to pause, take in the small details, and capture unforgettable moments, allowing you to truly appreciate and enjoy the adventure. A “photographic safari” is a journey of discovery and adventure. Traveling and taking pictures involves living out our itinerary to the fullest, taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells, as well as experiencing all the feelings and emotions that come with each moment. Living in a state of perpetual exhilaration, capturing moments that will live forever in our memories, and being fully involved in the wonderful world of photography

Advice On Photographic Equipment

The 200-400mm f/4 zoom is another lens that many photographers prefer, while a 300mm f/2.8 with a 1.4x focal length could be a more affordable option among fixed lenses. All of these photographic lenses produce a stunning blur effect, making them perfect for action and portrait photography. They also ensure the highest level of quality. The 400mm f/2.8 telephoto lens, which is a great focal length in most circumstances, is a great telephoto lens.

Some tips for the less experienced

You don’t need to purchase the priciest camera on the market in order to snap stunning pictures of wild animals; any DSLR camera produced in recent years is capable of doing so. In order to capture the moment and snap stunning pictures while on safari, you must be quick with your focus and shooting.

Even those with less experience can produce outcomes that are close to those of a professional, thanks to the development of digital technology and the market’s abundance of options.

Undoubtedly, there are guidelines to follow in order to achieve outstanding outcomes in photography. One important guideline is the 2/3 rule. A compositional principle is the rule of thirds. Imagine dividing a painting into nine identical squares with two horizontal and two vertical lines.

Each of the four corners contains a strong point, with the one in the middle acting as the fulcrum. Therefore, we have a total of four strengths with which to introduce a scene’s subject.

Imagine being in an endless savannah with red ground and blue skies. To properly emphasize the sky, it will suffice to ideally set the horizon on the second line of the grid. Instead, simply elevate the horizon to the first line of the grid if you want to focus as much emphasis as possible on the earth.

The best times to take photos on a safari are in the early morning and late afternoon. The perfect lighting may transform an ordinary photo into an amazing one. The safari is a great time to capture photos, so make sure you bring plenty of camera cards. One of the top tourist draws are safaris, which have only been photographed since the 1980s.

It is a horrible feeling to be driving across the parks’ uneven roads while conceivably standing beneath the raised roof of your car. You are always on the lookout for a shadow, a profile, or a movement that can help you spot the anticipated prey.


The question “How much does a safari cost?” is frequently asked. Even though we are discussing the same safari, both in terms of schedule and duration, there is no “standard” response because safaris “ARE NOT ALL THE SAME.” Many tourists have the desire to go on an African safari. It is an unforgettable experience to see the renowned “Big Five” (buffaloes, lions, leopards, elephants, and rhinos), herds of migratory animals, hunting lions, and a variety of other species in their natural habitat. You can readily envision why a safari in Africa might turn into the trip of a lifetime if you add the fiery sunsets and starry sky of Africa, the savannah, and deserts. However, a safari in Africa is not a trip like any other; it is an adventure-focused vacation where you may re-establish contact with nature in all its raw, unadulterated beauty. But then: “How much does a safari cost”? The cost of the safari is determined by several factors:

Vehicle and Safety:

Jeep Land Cruiser 4X4 or minivan (minibus) as the option of vehicle. Safari, Jeep Land Cruiser, and Land Rover are mutually exclusive. They are larger, higher, and, most importantly, safer on dangerous terrain since, let’s not forget, we’re in the savannah. The Minivan or Minibus is clearly distinct from the typical off-road safari vehicles based on its name.

One of the reasons we can identify the minibus with that variety of tourists who want the SAFARI as an excursion is that minibus maintenance is noticeably less expensive than Jeep upkeep. Being protected by insurance is essential, but a skilled operator will always encourage you to purchase coverage for the “Flying Doctor” emergency medical evacuation service.

Lodges and Tented Camps:

Type of lodges or tented camps that you choose:

Excellent tourist lodging structures that are geared toward increasing mass travel are undoubtedly less expensive. Although it is situated in lovely areas, the numerous rooms make it less intimate.

Structures with fewer tents and a lower impact on the environment for more environmentally friendly tourism. They are typically found in remote areas of unending nature, away from established routes. Small enterprises and exclusive locations provide luxury. Paradoxically, eco-friendly luxury is more expensive.

Fees Parks:

For safaris, you must pay for a ticket with a 24-hour length. The cost varies depending on the park, reserve, or conservatory you select.


A knowledgeable and well-trained tour guide may help you find things you never would have thought possible by sharing his knowledge of not only animals but other subjects like history, geology, and other subjects.

Itineraries and Seasonality:

The chosen itinerary’s duration is expressed in days. For instance, if you complete the same itinerary in 5 days instead of 3, you’ll have the chance to explore more isolated areas and take advantage of the morning’s cooler temperatures when animal movement is at its highest. Period of the season you choose. High or low season, holidays

Number of people:

Number of passengers for the Jeep or minivan you select. (Max 6). It is typical for the price to increase if the same safari is booked privately for two people. The safari is undoubtedly not one of the least expensive travel options. To rediscover contact with nature in all its primal essence, a safari in Africa is an experience that is unlike any other trip.

book a safari