What Region Is Kitulo National Park? Kitulo national park is found within Mbeya region and Njombe region and it stands at elevated area of about 2,600 meters above the sea level between the peaks of Poroto Mountains and Kipengere covering a total surface area of about 412, 9 square kilometers. In addition, this national park is famously known for having over 350 vascular plant species, 45 varieties of terrestrial orchids, which grow into wild flowers hence creating a beautiful scenery of the park, and this usually happens between months of November to April. More so, Kitulo national park has so many tourist attractions which lead individuals to travel from all over different parts of the world purposely to visit the park and some of these include; the stunning waterfalls.

Kitulo national park is located in the southern part of Tanzania and it was officially established as a national park in 2005 being managed by the Tanzania national park Authority (TANAPA). Kitulo national park covers a total surface area of about 412 square kilometers and it is easily accessed because it is a few kilometers away from Mbeya city. In addition, for individuals who would love to travel to kitulo national park using the road transport means will take a drive of about 60 kilometers to the park via Isyonji road as they go through Myeba town and Matamba village while using their private or public means. In addition, along their way, tourists will enjoy and capture classic views of the Kitonga Mountains and many other beautiful sceneries. More so, for those individuals who would prefer to skip the long trips can choose to book their flights from either Njombe airport or Songwe airport to be able to access the park. In addition, after their landing, individuals will then take a short drive to the park.

When is the best time to visit Kitulo National park.

For individuals with an interest of traveling to Kitulo National Park on their safari are encouraged to move between months of December to April because it is during this period of time when the flowers are noticed to grow and appear clearly. Therefore, the rainy season is always the best time when tourists should visit this park.

Tourist attractions in Kitulo National park.

 Plant and flower species.

Kitulo national park is known to have over 350 plant species and around 45 orchids, which are considered as the top attractions in the park, which help the park to have an extra ordinary landscape whereby it is surrounded with beautiful flowers and many tree species, which also make its perfect spot for photography. More so, here are some of the orchids that are found within the park and some of these include; giant lobelias, yellow orange, aster daises, red hot poker, geraniums and many others.


Kitulo national park is also considered as a perfect destination for bird watching activities because alpine grassland and montane forests, which act as good natural habitats to the bird species, dominate it. In addition, these bird species can best spot within the Kitulo plateau. More so, bird watching is best done during the morning hours when the birds seem to be more active and many and for individuals to sight see these species in large numbers, they are encouraged to go guided nature walks where they are always accompanied with guides who have more knowledge concerning the birds and also while on the game drives it gives you opportunities to spot them in large number with the use of the binoculars. And some of these birds include; lesser kestrel, whistling ducks, mountain marsh widow, open billed storks, red knobbed coot, denhams’s bustard, endangered blue swallow, palid harrier, European white stork, Njombe cisticola, Kipengere seedeater and many others.


Kitulo national park is also considered as perfect destination to travel to while on your adventurous safari because it hosts large numbers of wildlife species which can be commonly spotted within areas like; Poroto mountains, Kipengere and from the Kitulo plateau. Therefore, some of these animals include; zebras, waterbucks, reedbucks, chameleons and butterfly species which are frequently spotted around the forestry park. More so, there are primate species such as; Kipumji monkeys, Vervet monkeys, colobus monkeys and many other.

And apart from the mentioned above, there are more attractions which include; mount Livingstone which is a perfect spot for tourists to go hiking and moving around this area gives you chances to see plant species like; Hagenia Abyssinia, Ocotea usambarensis, Joniperus procera, Khaya athoceca among others. More so, there are famous stunning waterfalls around this park and these include; Mwakipembo waterfall, Usalama waterfall, Nhumbe waterfall. There is also the Matema beach, which is situated in Kyela district, Nhumbe valley and many others.

Contact our trusted tour operators for more information and inquiries about which region is Kitulo National Park and book with our tours and travel companies such as; Focus East Africa Tours who offer the best tour packages while on your safari in Tanzania.

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