What is the biggest park in Tanzania : Tanzania is the home of many national park that are made of different beautiful and unique features that covers it. There more than ten national park both the small once and the large too. It’s the perfect destination for wildlife exploration as well as birds, different scientific studies on plants, animals and birds can be conducted here because it’s the home of all you need. There are high chances of meeting the big five, birds of different species and well you will not find the most beautiful and unique national parks than the once found in Tanzania.

Tanzania is made up of 22 national parks and this national parks covers the 15% of the land, these national park are the home of millions wild animals, many different plant species and different birds that inhabit in this national parks.

The following are the biggest national parks that are found in Tanzania.

The Serengeti national park

The Serengeti national park is the largest national park in the northern part of Tanzania that covers the over 14,763 square kilometers. The name Serengeti is a Maasai word “Serengit” which means the land of endless plains.

What is the biggest park in Tanzania
Serengeti National Park

The park has mainly the 3 parts,

 Seronera valley which is located on the southern part of the park, this park of the Serengeti is highly covered by a lot of wildlife and has the vegetation cover is savannah with dotted acacia trees this part is also called the Serengeti plains. Most of the wild animals found in this place are most hoofed animals like the wildebeest breed and feed from. Most of the predators are found here as the hide and wait for their prey.

 The second part of this park is the western part of the park which has the Grumeti River which is highly characterized with denser forests and bushes. In this part is where you will find most of the martial eagles, crocodiles, hippos and patas monkeys.

While the third part is the northern side that meets with the Maasai Mara reserve of Kenya this part of the national park normally has a little number of tourists that reaches here. The Serengeti national park is the oldest national park and that is being visited most by the tourists. This part is dominated by the hills as well as the open woodlands. The animals that are found in this area includes the giraffes, Dik Dik and the elephants.  On this part is where the great migration movement normally occur as it is close to the Maasai Mara of Kenya hence this is their main route when moving away from Serengeti national park as well as towards it.

 Serengeti national park is famous for:

The Serengeti national park is mostly famous because of the great migration that occurs during the dry season. The great migration is the mass movement of animals from the Serengeti national park towards the Maasai Mara game reserve of Kenya in search of greener pastures. The animal’s move over 800 kilometers the animals moves to follow the rain, they are so many hence they cannot depend on pasture from a single place hence their movement is necessary. During the great movement there are about 2 million wildebeest that leads the way, followed by 400,000 zebras, 1800 eland and 200,000 Thompson’s gazelles.

The Ruaha national park

This is the largest national park in Tanzania that is found in the southern circuits of Tanzania and covers the total area of 20226 square kilometers. This national park has a wide range of vegetation cover which includes of savannah, baobab, hills and grasslands. It’s also the home of different wild animals that can be spotted easy as the wander around this national park, they includes, waterbucks, impalas, gazelles, jackals, hyenas, buffalos, elephants, lions, leopards, cheetahs, zebras, giraffes and many more.

What is the biggest park in Tanzania
ruaha nationa park

When on the visit to Ruaha national park different tourism activities can take place, including the game drive which is the core and important activity that can enable you to view the beauty of this national park and also to meet different animals as they graze in this spectacular land. Other activities includes nature walks which is normally done with the company of the armed rangers as it can be dangerous especially when tracing animals, its normally the great activities as it makes you feel the nature in a closer pace.

Unique feature of Ruaha national park

This national park is very unique and famous because it has the excellent wildlife sighting opportunity and mostly special less crowded because few visitors visit this place hence animals viewing and other tourism activities can be done peacefully.

Mikumi national park

Mikumi national park located between the Luguru Mountain and the Lumango range it’s also close to the large city in Tanzania which is Dar es Salaam. The Mikumi national park is the home of the big five. This park has the wide range of the wild life that is found and mostly famous the Big 5 which are cheetah, lion, elephants, buffalos and the rhinos. The Mikumi national park covers the total area of 3230 squares of kilometers, which makes it the fourth largest national park in Tanzania. The good climatic condition makes the game viewing as well as the animal spotting very easy hence it’s the hot spot of most tourist. On the visit to this national park activities such as game viewing, nature walks, and bird watching cannot be missed as they will make your safari unforgettable.

Mikumi national park is famous for:

It’s famous because of its open horizons and abundant wildlife of the Mkata floodplains and more specifically the birds that are found here makes this national park a perfect place for bird watching activities. There are about 400 different bird species that inhabited here both the migratory and native birds are found in this paradise.  Have the sight of the world’s largest antelopes, the game drives and nature walks makes the sight of this wild animals perfect.

Tarangire national park

The Tarangire national park is the magnet of the wildlife during the dry season and the home of birds during the dry season is located on the northern part of Tanzania and named after the river Tarangire which is its main source of water with the help of other swamps that are found in the park. The Tarangire national park covers the total area of 2600 square kilometers. Its The diverse vegetation gives it a significant beauty that is most eye catching as it is covered with variety of vegetation such as the baobab tress, sausage trees, as well as the acacia tress.  The baobab trees are scattered in the park as they give it a magnificent look but also acts as the shelter to different wild animals such as elephants.

ruaha nationa park
Game drives in tarangire

Tarangire national park is famous for:

This beautiful national park is mostly famous due to the availability of large population of elephants than any other park in Tanzania. The huge herds of elephants has made this national park attractive, you will have the opportunity to see numerous herds of elephants  up to 300 elephants in a single herd as they are digging the dry riverbed of Tarangire river in search of underground streams of water to quench their thirst.

The other unique feature of this national park is the tall standing baobab trees that decorate this park, this beautiful plant species are unique as they are thick and have lived many years.

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