Tsavo West National Park Gates. Tsavo West National Park gates are the various entry and exit points which tourists can use for to access the park on a Tsavo West National Park safari. These various Tsavo West National Park gates are used for different things, including park clearance. While at the various Tsavo West National park gates, tourists can make payments for the different activities in Tsavo West National park, including Tsavo West national Park entrance fees.

Tsavo West National Park is one of the premium national parks of Kenya that tourists can visit on any Kenya safari tour, all throughput the year. Tsavo West National Park is a highlight of Kenya safaris, all throughout the year. Tsavo West national park Kenya is also called the “Man Eater’s Park” thanks to the lions that devoured men that were constructing the East African Railway year ago. Tsavo West National Park is the 2nd largest protected area in Kenya after Tsavo East National park Kenya which together made up the original Tsavo National park Kenya.

The various Tsavo West National Park gates can be accessed by road, from different corners of Kenya, depending on your location. The most commonly used Tsavo West national park gate is the Mtito Andei Gate which is found along the Nairobi- Mombasa highway. There are 5 Tsavo West national park gates that travelers can use including Mtito Andei gate, Maktau North Gate, Maktau South gate, Tsavo Gate and Lake Jipe Gate.

Below are the 5 Tsavo west national Park Gates

Mtito Andei Gate

Mtito Andei gate is the main gate, which travelers can use to access the park for amazing Kenya safari tours. Mtito Andei gate is located in Makueni County in the village of Mtito Andei, from where the gate derived its name. Mtito Andei is the best entrance point to Tsavo West national park, given it can easily be accessed by road, railway and air.

Tsavo West National Park Gates
Mtito Andei Gate

Maktau North Gate

Maktau north gate is one of the entrance paths which travelers can use to access the park, all throughout the year. Maktau gate is not so developed, but yet still one of the most popular Tsavo national park gates. Maktau north gate is located south east of the Tsavo West National park and can be accessed by the Voi-Taveta highway.

Maktau South Gate

Maktau south gate is located just opposite Maktau north gate. Maktau south gate is one of the most developed of the 5 Tsavo West National Park gates that travelers can use. Maktau south gate has various facilities including toilets and refreshing centres. Kenya Wildlife Services’ offices can also be found here.

Maktau south gate is located in the south-eastern border of Maktau town, a short distance to the Voi-Taveta road. While at the Maktau south gate you can pay your Tsavo West National park fees here.

Tsavo Gate

The Tsavo Gate is one of the entrance to use to access the Tsavo West National Park. Tsavo Gate is located in the north eastern part of Tsavo West National park, only a few minutes’ drive off the A109 Nairobi-Mombasa highway. After Mtito Andei gate, Tsavo gate is the second most used gate most used by the tourists.

Tsavo gate is among the fully developed Tsavo West National Park gates with tourist facilities as well as Kenya Wildlife Services’ offices. While at the Tsavo gate you can make your Tsavo West National park fees here using credit cards, as well as any form of help from the park rangers. Tsavo gate is just next to Tsavo airstrip and can thus be used by travelers who fly into the park using Tsavo Airstrip.

Lake Jipe Gate

Lake Jipe gate is one of the lest used entrance. Lake Jipe gate is located in the remote shores of Lake Jipe, one of the key water sources in Tsavo West national Park Kenya. Lake Jipe gate has a ranger post, as well as tourist facilities which travelers can use. Though a remote and seldom used of the 5 Tsavo West national Park, Lake Jipe gate is mostly used by travelers who fly in to Tsavo West national Park, using Lake Jipe Airstrip. Upon landing, travelers doing fly in Tsavo West National park safaris can make use of the gate to clear for various things including Tsavo West National Park entry fees.

Tsavo West National Park Gates
Maktau South Gate

The above are the various gates that travelers can use to access the park, and enjoy an amazing Tsavo West national park safari. It is important to note that cash is not allowed, but inside make payments using credit cards at the gates. Book yourself a Tsavo West national Park safari and get to use one or more of these above mentioned.

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