Tsavo National Park Kenya is one of the main tourist attractions in Kenya that travelers visit while on Kenya safaris. Tsavo National Park is located in the south western part of Kenya, in the Coast Province of Kenya just between Nairobi City and Mombasa that travelers can even combine a Kenya safari with a beach holiday. Tsavo National Park is made of two separate Kenya National parks, Tsavo East National Park and Tsavo West National Park. Tsavo National Park is about 22,000 square kilometers, and is the largest national park in Kenya. Due to its size, Tsavo National Park was divided into two.

Tsavo National Park Kenya is one of the oldest national parks in Kenya located in the south-eastern part of Kenya, divided into two parks by the railway line. Tsavo National Park is famous for man-eating lions, rugged landscape and red dust elephants which are a sight to enjoy while on Tsavo National Park safaris. While Tsavo West National Park is characterised by rugged landscape and mountains and wooded grasslands, Tsavo East National Park is characterised by semi-arid grasslands and savanna with a diversity of wildlife species.

Man-eating lions in Tsavo National Park came to be known when two maneless lions attacked the railway workers during the construction of the railway running through the park. Lions in Tsavo National Park are one of the top attractions that many travelers come to visit and explore Tsavo National Park.

Attractions in Tsavo West National Park

  • Tsavo West National Park wildlife is one of the attractions in the park that travelers get to enjoy while on Tsavo West National Park safaris. Wildlife in Tsavo West National Park like rhinos, hippos, elephants, leopards, buffalos, hartebeests, elands, fringe eyed Oryx, giraffes,, kudu, among so many others
  • Mzima Springs. Travelers who go on Kenya safaris in Tsavo West National Park get to explore and see Mzima springs, which have clear water and a serried range of hippos and crocodiles. Mzima springs are a source of water for wildlife species in the park. Around the Mzima springs are forests which inhabit primates like vervet monkeys.
  • Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary. One of the attractions in Tsavo West National Park is the Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary located at the base of the Ngulia hill. Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary is home endangered rhinos kept and bred by the Kenya Wildlife Service and the African Wildlife Foundation.
Tsavo National Park
Ngulia Rhinos

Attractions in Tsavo East National Park

There are a variety of Tsavo East National Park attractions that travelers can get to see while on a safari in Kenya. Below are the various attractions in Tsavo East National Park;

  • Yatta Plateau. The Yatta Plateau lies between the Athi River and Tavi River. The Yatta Plateau is characterised by plain wide valleys and shallow spaced valleys. They are scenic to watch, and inhabit a variety of wildlife in Tsavo East National Park.
  • River Galana. River Galana is a great place to see a variety of wildlife in Tsavo East National Park. River Galana flows through the park and into the Indian Ocean. While at River Galana, you can see a number of crocodiles.
  • Lugard Falls. Lugard falls are found along the Galana River. The Lugard falls are characterised by rock patterns of cooled lava. At the bottom of the falls, you can see wildlife species like buffalos, hippos, crocodiles and so much more.

Other attractions in Tsavo East national park include the Mubanda rock, Aruba dam, Kanderi Swamp, Tsavo River, among so many others.

With a variety of attractions in Tsavo National Park, there are a variety of activities in Tsavo East National Park and Tsavo West National Park that you can do while on Kenya safaris. Below are the various activities in Tsavo National Park;

  • Game Drives. Game drives in Tsavo National Park take you through the vast plains of Tsavo National Park, searching for the various animals and other attractions in the park. Game drives in Tsavo National Park can be done in the morning, afternoon, evening or even full day game drives depending on how your Tsavo National Park safari itinerary is laid out. You shall get to see a variety of wildlife in Tsavo National Park during game drives including hyenas, giraffes, kudus, warthogs, waterbucks, impalas, leopards, lions, among so many others.
  • With such a variety of birds in Tsavo National Park, travelers can enjoy a birding in Tsavo National Park. Mzima springs is a good birding location in Tsavo National Park. some of the birds in Tsavo National Park Kenya that you can see while on birding safaris include the African Fin Foot, Reed Warbler, Corncrakes, Martial Eagles, Vulturine Guineafowl, Storks, Ostriches, among so many others.
Tsavo National Park
Birding in Tsavo National Park
  • Nature walks. One of the activities in Tsavo National Park Kenya that travelers can enjoy is nature walks. Nature walks in Tsavo National Park give travelers an opportunity to explore the park on foot, while guided by armed park rangers and guides.
  • Hiking can also be enjoyed in Tsavo National Park, hiking the rugged hills and plateaus of Tsavo National Park.

Getting to Tsavo National Park

You can get to Tsavo National Park by road and by air. By road, tourists can drive along the Nairobi Mombasa highway to Tsavo National Park. by air, travelers can fly into the various airstrips in Tsavo National Park including Voi airstrip, Aruba airstrip, Satao airstrip, Sala airstrip, Bachuma airstrip, mong so many others.

Tsavo National Park Accommodation

Travelers on Tsavo National Park safaris can stay in a number of Tsavo National Park accommodation. Tsavo National Park accommodation are in different categories that is luxury, mid-range and budget. Accommodation in Tsavo National Park include Finch Hattons Camp, Sarova Salt Lick Lodge, Rhino Valley Lodge, Satao Camp, Kiboko Camp, Red Elephants Safari Lodge, Lions Bluff Lodge, Voyager Ziwani Safari Camp, and Man Eater’s Lodge, among so many others.

Get to experience and explore the beautiful and unique wilderness of Tsavo National Park. Reach out to a reputable tour operator to help you plan and execute an amazing Tsavo National Park safari.

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