A Tsavo National Park safari is one of the most authentic Kenya safari tours that you can have while on a magical Kenya safari tour. Tsavo National Park is one of the most undeveloped Kenya national parks that you can visit and be rewarded with amazing and authentic African wildness safari experiences. game viewing in Tsavo National Park is excellent, you shall definitely be blown away when your visit, and given that not so many travelers do visit most a times for a long stay, you shall literally have the vast expanse to yourselves and a few others, making your Tsavo National Park  safari a unique Kenya safari experience.

Tsavo National Park is your prefect Kenya safari destination if you are looking for unique and authentic experiences far from the overcrowded and popular Kenya national parks like the Masai Mara National Reserve and Amboseli National Park which are also close by that you would literally combine these three Kenya safari destinations which are the top 3 most sought after Kenya safari destinations for wild game viewing. Tsavo National Park is also not more than 100km way from the Kenyan coast of Mombasa, thereby making it possible to combine a Kenya with a beach holiday; wake up to the sound of wild game and animal sightings, and close the day with a beautiful sunset over the turquoise blue waters of the Indian Ocean along the coast.

Tsavo National Park was a vast expanse that measured up to 22,000 square kilometers that was divided into two parks following the construction of the railway that runs through the Tsavo National Park, forming 2 parks including Tsavo East National Park and Tsavo West National Park.

Tsavo National Park Safari
Wildlife in Tsavo

Tsavo West National Park Kenya

Tsavo West national Park Kenya is more wooded and hilly with a great history of dramatic black rock formations, with more developed lodes nd camps located in the northern part of the park. Amazing scenery, rocky outcrops and landscapes, dense vegetation describe Tsavo West National Park. a visit to the Mzima Springs is a great choice to see serried ranges of hippos and watch their antiques.

Game viewing in Tsavo West national park is relatively more challenging, but you are highly rewarded with sighting of the big 5 animals as well as various antelope species. The Fringe-eared Oryx, Klipspringer and the beautiful Maasai giraffe can be seen, among so many other animals in Tsavo West National park. a Tsavo National Park safari to the Tsavo West national Park also has you spotting a wide variety of birds.

Tsavo East National Park

Tsavo East National Park is the biggest Kenya national park, covering over 13,700 square kilometers of land; Tsavo East national Park is actually nine times larger than the Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya. Tsavo East national Park is famous for the large herds of red-dust elephants, the Yatta Plateau and Mudanda Rock which is a spot to see the lion king surveying his lands.

Other animals in Tsavo East national Park to look out for include the endemic desert warthog, hirola sometimes called the Hunter’s Hartebeest, Peter’s Gazelle, among so many others. While on a Kenya safari in the beautiful Tsavo East National Park, you would enjoy the park almost to yourself most of the time, unlike the other crowded Kenya safari parks like the Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya.

While on Tsavo National Park safari, you can access Tsavo East national Park and Tsavo West National Park through the various gates of Tsavo National park. Tsavo East National Park gates include Manyani Gate, Voi Gate, Buchuma Gate and Sala Gate. Tsavo West National Park gates include Mtito Gate, Man Eaters Gate, and Chyulu Gate.

Accommodation while on a Tsavo national Park safari

There are various Tsavo National Park accommodation that you would opt for while on a Kenya safari. Tsavo National Park accommodation include Voi Wildlife Lodge, man Eaters Lodge, Satao camp, Leopard Lair Cottages, Lions Bluff Lodge, among so many others.

Tsavo National Park Safari
Voi Wildlife Lodge

Best time to go for Tsavo National Park safaris

The best time to go for Tsavo national Park safaris is during the dry season which falls in the months of June through October, as well as late December to February. The dry season is the best time because they roads are more accessible then, and animal viewing is made easy. The dry season is also however the peak season of travel so do expect a number of travelers then.

These Excursions are a great way to explore the true authentic Kenya wildlife safari destinations. Get in touch with us to help you create some of the most beautiful wildlife safari experiences in the wild of Tsavo national Park Kenya.

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