Serengeti National Park rules are the various guidelines to be followed while in Serengeti National Park. Serengeti National Park rules are put up by the Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA), a body responsible for the protection and conservation of various Tanzania national parks.

Serengeti National Park Tanzania is the most sought after Tanzania safari destination, and one of Africa’s most celebrated and sought after safari destination by travelers looking to experience the true African wild. The immense beauty, animal diversity and the out-of-this world views are some of the reasons that more and more travelers visit Tanzania on Serengeti National Park safaris all throughout the year. Serengeti National Park is home to one of the most rewarding and natural spectacles in the world; the Great Wildebeest Migration which takes place in the Serengeti National Park and Maasai Mara National Reserve Kenya as huge herds of wildebeests and other herbivores make their way through the different parts of the Serengeti, till they make the iconic Mara River crossing to Maasai Mara National Reserve in the crocodile infested river with other predators lying in wait at the river banks.

Serengeti National Park Rules
Serengeti National Park Rules

Serengeti National Park also hosts a huge variety of wild game, including the big 5 animals in Serengeti that is the lions, leopards, buffalos, elephants and rhinos, among so many other animals roaming the endless savanna plains of the Serengeti. The Serengeti Plains are also dotted with amazing plant life with birds, making the Serengeti National Park one of the most scenic Tanzania national parks. An acacia tree against the setting sun as a backdrop is one of the most beautiful sights you shall have while in in the park.

While more and more travelers visit Tanzania on Serengeti National Park safaris, there are a number of Serengeti National Park rules that travelers ought to follow. These Serengeti National Park rules re put in place by Tanzania National Parks Authority, solely for the protection and conservation of wildlife and nature, and safety of all visitors in the park. Serengeti National Park is one very wide Tanzania national park. Taking care while exploring the Serengeti Plains is very crucial, for your safety as well as the wildlife and nature in the park. Below are some of the Serengeti National Park rules that you ought to follow while in Serengeti National Park;

  • Serengeti National Park is only open from 6am to 6pm daily. All visitors are supposed to enter or exit the Serengeti National Park after 6am or 6pm respectively. After 6pm, all Serengeti National Park gates are closed and no entry or exit is allowed, unless authorized by park officials.
  • Unauthorized firearms are not allowed in Serengeti National Park.
  • A speed limit of 50km per hour should be adhered to while in Serengeti National Park. This is to avoid any accidents in the park.
  • Feeding animals is not allowed in Serengeti National Park. Feeding the wild animals has the diet of animals distorted, and creates unnecessary dependence on humans who are not reliable.
  • Game drives in Serengeti National Park must be done in designated tracks and paths. Off-track driving in Serengeti National Park is highly prohibited. A huge fine paid instantly, or banishment from the park with immediate effect are some of the penalties that travelers face should they be found off-track driving when unauthorized.
  • Respect animals in Serengeti National Park. This is their home and you are the visitor. Allow them the freedom to exercise their rights, especially right of way. Allow the animals enough time to cross the road at their own pace.
  • Do not make noise in the park. Radios, music players, hooting and anything that makes noise is not allowed in the park. Do not throw objects or clap at animals to get their attention whatsoever.
  • Littering in the park is not allowed. Keep with your rubbish until you can properly dispose of it. Rubbish damages nature, and can be herzadious to wild animals.
  • Pets are not allowed in the park. Serengeti National Park is not pet friendly as all the animals are wild animals.
  • Smoking is not allowed while on game drives in Serengeti National Park. Smoking is to be done in designated areas like your lodge or camp of stay. Be sure to carefully dispose of the cigarette butt.
Serengeti National Park Rules
Game Drives in Serengeti
  • Do not cause a fire or be reason as to why a fire is caused in the Serengeti. Fires disfigure the vegetation and nature, and can be disastrous.
  • Camping should be done in designated areas in Serengeti National Park. Fires at the campsites should be carefully put out after use.
  • Picnics should be done in designated areas only.

Serengeti National Park rules are clearly stated on the various Serengeti National Park gates. Serengeti national rules have penalties against them, should travelers go against them. Following the various Serengeti National Park rules is a good practice which sees the park and the wildlife therein being conserved for much longer. Be sure to follow the various Serengeti National Park rules while in the Serengeti.

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