How to Spend a Month in Tanzania : Tanzania is a stunning, enormous country in eastern Africa that possesses everything (culture, beautiful scenery, amazing wildlife, numerous white sand beaches with turquoise water, a nightlife, and a lot of history). Tanzania has a lot to see and enjoy, so a month seems like the ideal amount of time to spend here. Because Tanzania provides everything you could possibly want, it may even seem impossible to choose how you want to spend your month here.

In your one month Tanzania safari tour, there are plenty of options and one can start his/her adventure by ascending the magnificent Mount Kilimanjaro. On your journey to the shore, make a stop at the Usambara Mountains, known as the Switzerland of Africa. When you reach the picture-perfect Pangani shores, relax and indulge at the Tides Lodge. To find the collapsing ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani, travel down the coast. In order to visit the Selous Game Reserve and Ngozi Crater Lake, return to Dar es Salaam and then travel west on the historic TAZARA Railway.

How to spend a month in Tanzania: There are a lot of tourist activities or things to do in Tanzania that will make your Tanzania one-month safari tour enjoyable, amazing, and with no boredom or regrets. What should you do during your Tanzania safari tour of one month? Here are some tourist activities you can partake in during your one-month Tanzania safari tour.

  • Consider pushing yourself to the edge and climbing Africa’s tallest peak-Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • Would you like to experience a safari where you can view wild creatures in their natural habitats? The Serengeti, the best park in Africa, is here for you.
  • Are you seeking a cultural encounter? With more than 120 tribes, Tanzania is the most culturally varied nation in all of Africa and is no doubt considered one of the best cultural destinations in the world.
  • Do you need to unwind on a turquoise beach because you’re tired? Then you don’t need to be concerned. Zanzibar Island, which is located in Tanzania, offers some of the most breathtaking white-sand beaches on the planet.
How to Spend a Month in Tanzania
Boat cruise
  • You can complete all of the aforementioned activities within a single trip to Tanzania, and you’ll have the trip of a lifetime.

How to spend a month in Tanzania: Let us look below at some suggestions of how to spend a one-month in Tanzania and things to do on your one-month Tanzania safari tour. NB: Depending on your preference, you may extend or shorten the number of days.

Spend the first day after your arrival resting, getting acquainted, and deciding on an activity. Start with a more difficult task before moving on to simpler ones (hiking, safari, beach, and the rest).

  1. Spend four days on Mount Meru or six to seven days climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

You have the option of hiking Mount Kilimanjaro during your first few days in Tanzania. Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world, is frequently referred to as the “roof of Africa.” There are numerous ways to reach the peak of Kilimanjaro; you might climb the mountain a dozen times and use a different route each time. The most well-known routes for climbers who want to summit Kilimanjaro in less than a week are Marangu route and Machame route.

Mount Meru.

The second-highest mountain in the nation and the third freestanding mountain in Africa is Mt. Meru. You will begin and finish your ascent of Mount Meru in Arusha National Park. You will get the opportunity to see zebras, buffalo, and wildebeest while climbing Mount Meru. After completing the Kilimanjaro climb successfully, you will recuperate for two or one day before beginning another activity.

  1. Spend six to seven days in Tanzania’s national park exploring and embarking on an once-in-a-lifetime wildlife safari tour.

Continue your one month Tanzania vacation with an incredible 6-7-day wildlife safari after your successful climb up Mount Kilimanjaro and Meru. Your safari should begin in Lake Manyara National Park, continue through Tarangire National Park, the Serengeti National park, and end in the magnificent Ngorongoro crater.

The best African safari parks are reputed to be those in Tanzania. One of the best areas in Africa to see animals is Serengeti National Park. Additionally, the Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater are two of Africa’s seven natural wonders and a must-see location for many tourists and safari fans.

Take a Serengeti hot air balloon safari, a Serengeti walking safari, horseback riding safari or a Serengeti night game drive to liven up your one month trip to Tanzania. You will take a day off in Arusha city after your wildlife safari in Northern safari circuit.

  1. Spend two to three days on a cultural tour in Tanzania, exploring and having a great time with ethical groups like the Maasai, Hadzabe, and Datoga.

Tanzania boasts a diverse culture. There are more than 120 tribes in the nation. Discover and comprehend its inhabitants, whose beliefs and ideals are very dissimilar to your own. Obtain fresh ideas and insights that alter the way you view others, the world, and even yourself.

  1. Have some time exploring the majestic mountains in Lushoto and Usambara.

The hub of the Usambara highlands, Lushoto serves as the starting point for hikers exploring the mountains and as a destination for other tourists hoping to take in its uplifting beauty, breath-taking views, fresh air, expansive landscapes, and rainforests. One of the most biodiverse locations in Africa, Lushoto is becoming increasingly popular, especially for the easy climbs in the Usambara Mountains. We advise you to stay here for two to three days.

  1. Spend at least seven to ten days on Zanzibar Island exploring the stone town, relaxing on clean and beautiful white sand beaches, and participating in water sports such as scuba diving, canoeing, snorkeling, and swimming, and so on.

The island of Zanzibar is known for its alluring beaches, intriguing past, exciting nightlife, and mouthwatering cuisine. After all that you have accomplished in Tanzania, it is a perfect location to unwind. You can go to Zanzibar from Tanzania’s mainland either by ferry from Dar es Salaam or by plane. Despite the fact that flying is more expensive, we advise it because it is more convenient.

How to Spend a Month in Tanzania
Dar es Salaam
  1. Help out at daycare facilities for children (1-2 days).

Spend a day or two with a group of active kids after your trip. It’s a fantastic way to obtain childcare experience and benefit your neighborhood at the same time. The majority of Tanzania’s daycare initiatives accept children of all ages. You don’t need any training or credentials in childcare. You will be led through your interactions with neighborhood children by the regional project coordinator.

Maybe you’re thinking about a career in childcare or education. This is a chance for you to obtain real-world experience and determine whether this is the best career route for you.

Conclusion: Congratulations!! You have completed your one month exploration of Tanzania. Tanzania is enormous and filled with attractions that provide a ton of things to do. It can’t be fully explored in a month. You can decide to stay in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s capital and biggest city, for the few days you have left there. Enjoy the fantastic nightlife, sample the regional cuisine, and do so much more here. Alternately, you could decide to remain in Arusha, Tanzania’s main tourist destination, and partake in a variety of activities. Other Tourist activities that can be done in your one month Tanzania safari tour includes:

  • City tour
  • Arusha nightlife
  • Visiting waterfalls
  • Visiting Chemka thermal springs
  • Canoeing at Lake Duluti
  • Cultural heritage visit.
  • Arusha Declaration Museum visit
  • Boma Museum Art Center visit.
  • Local markets visit.
  • Maasai market visit.
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