7 things to do in Tanzania are some of the most amazing things that tourists who visit Tanzania can do while on any type of Tanzania safari/Tanzania trip/Tanzania tour. There are so many things to do in Tanzania that tourists who visit Tanzania can do, ranging from very adventurous activities in Tanzania like climbing Kilimanjaro Mountain, to slow-going activities in Tanzania like strolling on the beach whilst in Zanzibar Island.

Tanzania is one of the best Africa safari destinations, most sought after by travellers who wish to undertake unforgettable Africa safaris. Tanzania is your go-to Africa safari destination with a variety of activities that travellers can do while on Tanzania safaris. Below are some of the top 7 things to do in Tanzania, by travellers who visit Tanzania on Tanzania safaris;

Climbing Kilimanjaro

Climbing Kilimanjaro Mountain is one of the top 7 things to do in Tanzania, by travellers who visit Tanzania. So many travellers visit Tanzania to climb Kilimanjaro Mountain, to conquer one of the Seven Summits of the world. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and thus has the highest pint in the continent; summiting Kilimanjaro Mountain therefore has getting a fulfilment from being at the highest point in the continent. Kilimanjaro Mountain is also the highest free standing mountain in the world, and given that it is one of the easiest to climb of the Seven Summits has more and more travellers visiting Tanzania for amazing Tanzania safaris.

7 Things to do in Tanzania
Kilimajaro hike

Game Drives

Game drives in Tanzania are one of the most done activities in Tanzania, by travellers who visit Tanzania on Tanzania safaris/Tanzania tours/Tanzania trips, all throughout the year. Game drives in Tanzania take travellers to some of the top Tanzania safari destinations, much sought after by thousands of travellers all throughout the year. When authentic Africa safari experiences are mentioned and being sought for by travellers looking to embark on Africa wildlife safaris, Tanzania is that one destination that pops up all too often as recommend. Hosting over 20 Tanzania national parks and game reserves, Tanzania has one of the most amazing and thrilling savannah parks that reward travellers with some of the best game drives in the world. Game drives in Tanzania take travellers to enjoy the absolute wild and nature, get to see a variety of animals in Tanzania, and even come up close with them, all in the wild. Game drives in Serengeti National Park, game drives in Selous Game Reserve, game drives in Katavi National Park, Ruaha National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater drive, as well as game drives in Tarangire National Park are one of the best game drive experiences you can ever take on!

Night Game Drives

Night game drives in Tanzania is one of the much sought after of the top 7 things to do in Tanzania, by travellers who visit Tanzania. Night game drives in Tanzania are allowed in only a select Tanzania national parks and game reserves, especially for the fact that most savannah national parks of Tanzania are quite remote. Night game drives in Tanzania allow travellers to experience the wild nigh life; watching stars shine bright up and casting on the vast savanna grasslands. What a sight it is to see leopards in their nightly life, or listen to crickets and Night Jars calling onto you. Night game drives in Tanzania are allowed in Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, among other select Tanzania safari destinations.

Hot Air Balloon Safaris

One of the most exotic ways to experience Tanzania is by doing a hot air balloon safari ride. Hot air balloon safaris have travellers floating over the plains of the savannah plains, looking out with a bird’s eye view of the various animals in Tanzania in the particular park. Hot air balloon safaris in Serengeti national Park has travellers enjoying endless views of the endless plains of Serengeti National Park, seeing much more than what you would ordinarily have seen if on the ground. A hot air balloon ride in Serengeti National Park is one of the best ways of witnessing the Great Wildebeest Migration in Serengeti National Park, seeing over 1.5 million wildebeests and other grazers move in a frenzy to cross the Grumeti River and Mara River to Masai Mara National Park.

7 Things to do in Tanzania
Hot air balloon Tours

Walking Safaris

Walking safaris in Tanzania is one of the top 7 things to do in Tanzania, for amazing Tanzania safari experiences. Walking safaris in Tanzania have travellers following animals tracks, in the guidance of armed ranger guides through the savannah grassland. Guided walking safaris take travellers to the hidden parts of the park, coming up close with nature and animals like giraffes, zebras, antelopes, among so many others. Walking safaris in Tanzania are also allowed in only a few select Tanzania National Parks like Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, and Ngorongoro Conservation area, among others. Walking safaris in Serengeti National Park are not allowed; only a select camps and lodges can arrange this.

Horseback Riding

Imagine chasing the wind and the wild in Tanzania, a country with so many national parks and game reserves. Horseback riding in Tanzania is one of the fun and thrilling activities that allow travellers to sync with animals in Tanzania, especially in Tanzania national parks and game reserves. Horseback riding in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tarangire National Park, and other select Tanzania national parks, is one of the beautiful Tanzania safari experiences you can do while on your much anticipated Tanzania safari/Tanzania tour/Tanzania trip.

Canopy Walk

A canopy walk is one of the not so common activities, thus one of the top 7 things to do in Tanzania, by travellers who visit Tanzania on Tanzania safaris. A canopy walk in Tanzania can only be done in Lake Manyara National Park, one of the beautiful little Tanzania national parks in the northern safari circuit of Tanzania that is also the most visited Tanzania safari circuit.

Apart from the above mentioned 7 things to do in Tanzania, other activities that travellers can do while in Tanzania include bush meals, camping, explore Zanzibar, Snorkelling, and Scuba diving, among so many other things to do in Tanzania.

Looking to visit Tanzania for amazing Tanzania safari experiences and wondering what activities in Tanzania that you can do? The above are some of the activities in Tanzania that you can take part in. Get in touch with a reputable tour operator to help you pitch together an amazing Tanzania safari/Tanzania trip/Tanzania tour for amazing Tanzania safari experiences, any time of the year.

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