Exploring Tanzania Tourism in 7 Days  : Tanzania is a country famous for tourism and various wonders of the world. Traveling around Africa, you will find that Tanzania is the real heart of Africa. Counting the climate, food, language, culture, people, freedom, and tourist attractions, Tanzania is the warmest country in Africa. As a tourist planning Safari in Tanzania, you will have to categorize which type of tour to conduct when visiting Tanzania. There are Historical tourism, tourism in National parks, wonders of the world, and cultural tourism. Here are the top tourist places to explore on your seven-day safari.

6 Days Tarangire and Serengeti Safari

Visitors also have been influenced to come and have tours in Tanzania since it has been endowed with a lot of tourist attractions such as plenty of national parks like Tarangire national parks, Lake Manyara national park, Ngorongoro crater national park and Serengeti national park, waterfalls like Kalambo waterfalls. Also, tourists may be attracted to visit various water bodies like lakes such as Lake Tanganyika, Lake Rukwa, Lake Victoria and others. Other national resources are also significant in tourist’s activities and have been one of the attractive factors for visitors to come and seek for areas to invest in our country and they have been investing daily in various economic sectors such as agricultural activities, business and mineral explorations.

Historical Tourism

Tanzania is like a bag full of history, from creation to slavery and recent. Below are historical places to visit on your trip,

Olduvai Gorge: Dr. Louis and Mary Leakey discovered the fossil bones of a three-toed horse in Olduvai. They found approximately 1.75-million-year-old fossils of Zinjanthropus along with their toolmaking skills. They later found other hominid types as early as 2 million years ago. This attractive place is in Arusha, Tanzania.

Largest East Africa Slave market:  This is in Zanzibar. Hence Zanzibar Slave market. It was where slaves were transferred to the rest of the world by their slave masters.

Cultural tourism.

Some tourists come to Tanzania to see the African culture.

There are still some African tribes that practice the early cultures, eat early foods, live in the forests with animals, and still survive.

The Maasai:   They are a Nilotic ethnic group inhabiting northern Tanzania. The Maasai are among the best-known local populations internationally due to their residence near the many game parks of the African Great Lakes and their distinctive customs and dress. The Maasai still have many cultures and traditions as we did thousands of years ago.

Exploring Tanzania Tourism in 7 Days
The Maasai People

The Makonde: Famous Makonde sculptures are in Southen Tanzania in the Mtwara region. The Ruvuma river divides northern Mozambique and southern Tanzania, where Makonde carvings and sculpture artisans and painters create their East African sculptures and modern paintings.

 Traditional African items and contemporary works of art have been categorized within this subgenre by art historians.

The Hadzabe: The Hadzabe are hunter-gatherer people of Tanzania, Exploring Tanzania Tourism in 7 Days

The Hadzabe are the oldest tribe of all. They are the last remaining hunter-gatherer tribe in the world, living in Northern Tanzania.

The Hadzabe speak a click language unrelated to any other language on earth.

Visiting of the National parks

There are over 20 national parks in Tanzania, with many animals of unique species. The national parks include,

Serengeti National Parks: Serengeti is the most well-known destination for African safari vacations. That is due to the diversity of the wildlife found within the park. It is also one of the cheapest National Parks in Tanzania.

 Ngorongoro Crater: Ngorongoro crater is the world’s largest unbroken volcanic caldera at 2000 meters in depth. It covers an area of 260 square kilometers and is roughly 20km in diameter. Some 25,000 large animals make the crater their home. All of the Big Five inhabit the Ngorongoro crater plains.

Tarangire National Park: Most wildlife is in Tarangire. As a safari destination, Tarangire holds more wildlife species such as Lions, elephants, zebras, monkeys, giraffes, and so much more. The weather was also perfect here – not cold but not too hot. I loved Tarangire and cannot wait to go back!

Lastly, Visit the wonders of the world. Tanzania holds three resources on the seven wonders of the world (the wildebeest migration in Serengeti National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, and Ngorongoro Crater). Welcome to Tanzania, the home of the Swahili language, and don’t forget to say Jambo meaning Hello when visiting Tanzania.

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