Amboseli National Park birds. Amboseli National Park is one of the top most visited Kenya national parks sought after by travelers looking to explore the wilderness of Kenya. Amboseli National Park is one of the best birding destinations in Kenya. Amboseli National Park is located near the coastal area of Kenya, making it a great breeding ground for many bird species.

There are over 420 species of birds that travelers can visit while on Amboseli National Park safaris. Amboseli National Park has a variety of vegetation cover which are a great habitat for various wildlife and birds in Amboseli National Park. Vegetation in Amboseli National Park include the open grassland, swamps acacia woodland, and so much more which inhabit a number of birds in Amboseli National Park to thrill while on Kenya Safaris .

Amboseli National Park Birds
Long-toed Lapwing

Most commonly include the African Jacana, the Goliath Heron, Grey Crowned Crane, Hartlaub’s Bustard, the Rufous Chatterer, and the Pngani Longclw. Birds in Amboseli National Park are residents, including endemic birds, endangered and threatened birds as well as migratory birds from Eurasian countries and northern Africa. Other birds in Amboseli National Park include African Swamphen, Common Redshank, Dickson’s Kestrel, Greayer Flamingo, Lesser Flamingo, Long-toed Lapwing, Pangani LongClaw, Rufous Chatterer, Spike-heeled Lark, Eurasian thick-knee, Steel-blue Whydah, Taveta Golden Weaver, Von Der Decken’s Hornbill, Yellow-necked Spurfowl, Somali Bunting, Yellow-Crowned Canary, Western Yellow Wagtail, African Pipit, Tree Pipit, Chestnut Sparrow, African Fore Finch, Purple Grenadier, Speke’s Weaver, among so many others.

Best Time to See Amboseli National Park Birds

Amboseli National Park is a great birding destination in Kenya all throughout the year. The best time is during the wet season. The wet season falls in the months of November to April, when it is the breeding season and also when migratory birds do come to the park, thereby increasing on the number of birds to see in Amboseli National Park. the wet season is also the low season of travel, thereby making it a great time to also visit Amboseli for budget Amboseli National Park safaris.

Travelers after seeing wildlife in Amboseli National Park can visit the park all throughout the year, with the best time to visit Amboseli National Park for game viewing is during the dry season when the grass is shorter easing animal viewing.

Apart from bird watching, there are a number of attractions in Amboseli National Park that travelers can enjoy with Amboseli National Park safaris, all throughout the year. Other attractions in Amboseli National Park include;

Animals in Amboseli National Park

Animals in Amboseli National Park are the top reason why most travelers visit the park, on Amboseli National Park wildlife safaris. Big tusked elephants are what welcome you to Amboseli National Park, and are what most travelers look to see. Watching huge tusked elephants against the backdrop of the Kilimanjaro Mountain in Tanzania is a post-card view to enjoy while on your safari in Amboseli National Park.

Amboseli National Park inhabits four of the big 5 animals, including lions, leopards and buffalos. Other animals in Amboseli National Park that you can see include the Thomson’s gazelles, impala, hippos, zebras, wildebeests, hyenas, among so many others. The best way to see animals in Amboseli National Park is on activities in Amboseli National Park including game drives, guided walking safaris, hot air balloon rides, among so many others.

Amboseli National Park Birds
Amboseli National Park Wildlife


Lakes in Amboseli National Park make this premium park of Kenya all the more beautiful. Some of the lakes in Amboseli National Park include Kioko Lake, Simek Lake, Concho Lake, Amboseli Lake, inhabiting a variety of wildlife and birds, which travelers can see while on Amboseli National park safaris.

The Mountain Kilimanjaro views, the Elephant Research Camp, and an Observation Hill are attractions that travelers can visit while in the park, any time of the year.

Amboseli National Park is a beautiful Kenya national park, second only to the Masai Mara National Reserve which is famous for the big 5 animals and great wildebeest migration, a natural spectacle that is most sought after by many travelers who visit the park. Amboseli National Park is an all-around safari destination, catering even for travelers after birding in Kenya.

Looking to explore Amboseli National Park on birding safaris, or even game viewing or photography safaris, reach out for amazing Kenya safari tour package fit for just you.

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