Amboseli National Park animals are the most sought after attractions in Amboseli National Park, that travelers get to see with various activities in the park. Amboseli National Park is famous for its large herds of African elephants, great to see against the backdrop of the Kilimanjaro Mountain. Seeing large herds of elephants against the backdrop of the Kilimanjaro Mountain is one of the reason that travelers do visit Amboseli National Park.

Amboseli National Park is located in the southern part of Kenya, and is the second most sought after and popular animal park in Kenya after the Masai Mara National Reserve. Amboseli National Park is easily accessible from Nairobi City, both by air and road. Amboseli National Park is one of the best destinations in Africa from where travelers can enjoy game drives to see abundant wildlife, especially the large herds of African elephants.

There are a number of Amboseli National Park animals that do roam the park. although large herds of elephants is what comes to mind when travelers thing of Amboseli National Park, there are so many other animals in Amboseli National Park that travelers can see while on different activities in Amboseli National Park. Amboseli National Park animals are permanent residents of the park and thus can be seen throughout the year; travelers on Amboseli National Park safaris are assured of seeing animals during game drives in Amboseli national Park among other activities in Amboseli National Park.

Amboseli National Park Animals
Elephants in Amboseli

Animals that tourists can encounter include over 900 elephants that are easily seen free-ranging, rolling and spraying themselves with water along the banks of Lake Amboseli. Other Amboseli National Park animals include lions, leopards, buffaloes, gazelles, wildebeests, zebras, cheetahs, antelopes, hippos, giraffes, among so many others. Hyenas too are a common sight in Amboseli National Park.

It is because of the various and great habitants in Amboseli National Park that the park has a variety of animals that travelers can see while on Kenya safari tours. Amboseli national Park has about 5 different habitants, including acacia woodland, swamps, open savanna grassland, rocky and bushy vegetation, and dry lake pans. All these habitants inhabit a variety of animals, thereby rewarding travelers with great wildlife sightings.

To see the various Amboseli National Park safari animals, one ought to take on Amboseli National Park safaris and engage in a variety of activities in Amboseli National Park. Amboseli National Park activities that travelers can do to see the various creatures and other wildlife include;

Game Drives

Game drives in Amboseli National Park are the most rewarding and done activity in Amboseli national Park. Game drives in Amboseli national park can be done early morning, afternoon and evening, or even for the whole day. Whole day game drives in Amboseli National Park are more rewarding as they give travelers an opportunity to explore the park in depth.

Walking Safaris

Taking guided walking safaris in Amboseli National Park brings you close to the animals in Amboseli National Park. You follow animal trucks with a guide and ranger, and get to see even the smallest attractions in Amboseli National Park.

Balloon Safaris

Balloon safaris are another way to explore Amboseli National park, and get to see the various wildlife.  Travelers get to see an aerial view of Amboseli National park, enjoying seeing more and more wild game as they are spread across the savannah park. Balloon safaris in Amboseli National park usually lasts about 1 hour, and climaxes with a bush breakfast and champagne toast, an experience worth experiencing.

Boat Cruises

A boat cruise in Lake Amboseli gives travelers an opportunity to spot wildlife especially aquatic animals in Amboseli National Park like hippos.

Hippos in Amboseli

Best time to see Amboseli National Park animals

The best time to see wildlife  is during the dry season, when the grass is shorter and more animals congregate in the few waterholes available for a drink or drink. The roads are easily accessible during the dry season as well during the dry season.

Amboseli National Park is a beautiful Kenya national park that travelers can visit anytime of the year, for amazing Kenya safari tours. Amboseli National park is scenic, and inhabits a variety of wildlife including large herds of elephants which are a great sight against the Kilimanjaro Mountain backdrop. Take time to reach out to a trusted tour operator to help you create an amazing Amboseli National Park safari, with a possibility to combine other Kenya national parks like Masai Mara National Reserve, Tsavo National Park, or even combine it further with other Tanzania national parks like Serengeti National Park.

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