2022 Tarangire National Park entrance fees are the fares subjected to every visitor seeking to enter Tarangire National park, to enjoy any of the amazing Tarangire National park activities that the park rewards her visitors with. Tarangire National Park is one of most visited Tanzania national parks found in the northern part of Tanzania, making it to the list of the northern safari circuit of Tanzania which is also the most sought after and visited safari circuit, encompassing the world celebrated Serengeti National park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, as well as Lake Manyara National Park and the might Kilimanjaro Mountain.

Tarangire National Park is a scenic Tanzania safari destination famous for large herds of elephants seen free ranging in the vast savanna grasslands of the park, against the beautiful backdrop of the great towering baobab trees doting the savanna area of Tarangire National Park.

2022 Tarangire National Park entrance fees are levied and collected by the Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA), the body also responsible for the management, protection and conservation of Tarangire National park along with other Tanzania national parks. These 2022 Tarangire National Park entrance fees as well as other fees are scheduled to run up until 30th June 2022 after which new Tarangire National Park fees are expected to be shared. The 2022 Tarangire National Park entrance fees are paid per person per day, with new fees being paid upon elapse of 24 hours from time of payment.

Tarangire national Park entrance fees 2022 are levied basing upon different aspects, including age, as well as nationality status, with children below the age of 5 being exempted from paying any form of fees, children aged 5 to 16 years paying less than adult travellers. Also, one’s resident status is a ground for differing Tarangire National park fees, with East African citizens, Residents and non-residents all paying different rates.

To pay for the 2022 Tarangire National Park entrance fees as well as other Tarangire National park fees, one ought to use credit cards or MasterCard. Below are the various 2022 Tarangire National park entrance fees, excluding the 18% tax;

2022 Tarangire National Park Entrance Fees
Tarangire gate

The Park entrance fees are s below;

  • Persons above the age of 16 years are expected to pay 50USD for foreign non-residents, 25USD for expatriates and only 10,000Tsh for East African citizens, in the high season. The low season has persons above the age of 16 years paying 45USD, expatriates paying 22.5USD while East African citizens still pay the same 10,000Tsh.
  • Children aged 5 years to 15 years pay 15USD, resident or expatriates pay 7.5USD wile children of East African citizenship only pay 2000Tsh.
  • Children below the age of 5 are exempted from paying 2022 Tarangire national park entrance fees.

Apart from the 2022 Tarangire National Park entrance fees, travellers looking to stay inside Tarangire National Park ought to pay concession fees if staying in either hotels or lodges inside the park, while camping fees are expected to be paid by those travellers looking to stay in either the public or special campsites found inside the park.

Having paid your 2022 Tarangire National park entrance fees, you are allowed to enjoy the various activities in Tarangire national park. The various activities in Tarangire National Park that travellers can enjoy include game drives, night game drives in Tarangire National Park, walking safaris, birding safaris, mong so many others. Game drives in Tarangire National Park are one of the best way to appreciate the vast expanse of the park, with an opportunity to see the various animals in Tarangire National Park like huge herds of elephants, lions, leopards, buffalos, zebras, wildebeests, among so many others.

With over 600 bird species recorded in Tarangire national Park, bird watching is one of the best activities to do in Tarangire National park, for the park is indeed a birder’s paradise. Common bird species to see in Tarangire National park include barbets, Little Bee Easters, Yellow-necked Spur fowl, Ashy starlings, among so many others.

Hot air balloon rides are another great way to experience the savannah plains of Tarangire National Park, having you floating in the air to so much that the park has to offer, including the amazing landscapes of Tarangire national park.

Tarangire National Park is one of the great Tanzania safari destinations to visit for mazing Tanzania safari experiences. Looking to visit Tanzania on a Tanzania safari tour, do include the Tarangire national park on your to visit parks, and be rewarded with some of the best animal viewings. You may visit the Tarangire National Park solely or combine with other Tanzania national parks like the Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania, Lake Manyara National park or even the Serengeti national park among so many other top Tanzania safari destinations. Get in touch with us, or with your trusted tour operator to help you pitch together amazing Tanzania safaris.

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