Top 7 Safari Myths Revealed And Busted : Preconceptions about the African bush known as “safari myths” are more often influenced by biased news or popular culture than actual information. These myths frequently feature willdife animals and the African rainforests (consider gorillas), hunters racing across vast savannahs while brandishing enormous rifles, and lions prowling through camps or hopping onto jeeps. Therefore, we’re here to dispel widespread safari myths that keep people in the dark and prevent them from taking advantage of the incredible variety of African safari options that belong on their bucket list.


  1. Safaris are only for the rich and famous.

It’s a myth that only people with enormous wealth can afford to take a safari. Yes, a safari is not a cheap vacation; however, there are safari packages that cost much less, with affordable lodging and tour prices. For those who want to go all out, there are luxurious accommodations and packages available.

 Additionally, many national parks provide inexpensive camping options or low entry costs. There are numerous lodging options, including camping, lodges, and five-star hotels, to suit every budget. You can have a distinctive and comfortable safari experience without having to spend a fortune if you prepare ahead of time and research your options.

Safaris can be pricey, particularly if you want a luxury, fully guided experience. But almost anyone can go on safari now that there are so many affordable options available. A self-guided or camping safari will be significantly less expensive than a fully guided trip. Additionally, a lot of tour operators that focus on affordability provide discounted packages. You can find safaris that fit your budget with a little searching and flexibility when you travel.

  1. Safaris Are Dangerous

The truth is that a safari can be a very safe and enjoyable experience with careful planning and preparation. Yes, visitors must be aware of the risks, take reasonable safety measures, and adhere to any instructions given by the guide or limitations imposed by the lodge.

 There are numerous trustworthy safari companies and tour operators such as Focus East Africa Tours whose goal is to keep you safe and secure while on African safari. To ensure your safari adventure is enjoyable, these businesses will give you access to a thorough list of safety tips and recommendations.

  1. Safaris are only for wildlife lovers.

Yes, when you think of a safari, you typically picture going on game drives to see wildlife that is unique to that region of the world. However, safaris are not just for those who are fascinated by the animal world. Tourism-friendly activities in Tanzania include historical tours, cultural excursions, and even beach vacations. Therefore, a trip to Tanzania has something to offer everyone, animal enthusiast or not.

Top 7 Safari Myths Revealed And Busted
game drive
  1. You’ll see every animal on safari.

The animals you will likely see on a game drive, as well as their numbers, will depend greatly on when and where you go. For instance, during the dry season, it’s more likely that you’ll see animals congregating at watering holes. Animals are harder to spot during the rainy season because food and water are readily available everywhere. Wildebeest, zebra, and antelope can all be seen in large herds traveling along well-established migratory routes.

Predators vary in visibility depending on the time of year and the area, just like all other animals. It is simpler to anticipate where they will be because they frequently follow their prey and track it. To lead you in the right direction, you need a very knowledgeable tour guide or operator with a lot of experience. Even then, there is no assurance that you will be able to see every animal at once.

  1. Safaris are only for the highly adventurous.

Even though an African safari is a sure-fire adventure, it’s not just for the most daring travelers. Safari tours can be completely customized and crafted to the interests and preferences of the travelers, ranging from self-guided to guided and offering various levels of activities. Therefore, there is a safari that is the right fit for you, whether you’re looking for an adrenaline-filled adventure or a restful and educational getaway.

  1. Safaris are not for kids.

Despite the widespread misconception that safaris are only appropriate for adults, people of all ages can (and should!) enjoy them. We at Focus East Africa Tours provide family packages that let kids take part in a fun and instructive adventure. Children can interact with their families in a fun outdoor environment while learning about the local wildlife, flora, and cultures. Safaris can be a fantastic way to make cherished family memories with the right safety precautions and direction.

  1. The animals will eat you.

This is probably one of the top worries that people who are organizing a safari have. We want to reassure you that this is absolutely untrue. Predators and local wildlife don’t typically view humans as prey or even a threat. In fact, you’ll quickly realize that these animals are completely unconcerned by human visitors after a few days on your first game drive.

You are still at risk from predators, bugs, insects, and reptiles, so that doesn’t mean you are completely safe. But as long as people behave similarly, they will maintain their distance and keep to themselves. It is advised that you always pay attention to your guide’s instructions and listen to them. Our knowledgeable guides have a wealth of knowledge about observing and comprehending animal behavior. They are experts at both the art and science of observing wildlife. Our safari vehicles are parked far enough away from the animals to be safe but still allow you to see them without obstructing your view.


Everyone of any age can enjoy an immersive adventure like a safari. Participate in guided tours or game drives to find out more about the region’s distinctive flora and fauna. Visit nearby towns and landmarks with historic and prehistoric significance to learn more about the area and its residents. To find out more, contact us.

 A safari is a singular and exciting way to broaden your horizons, allowing you to explore the wild, discover the wonders of nature, and learn about conservation efforts across the continent. Discover a world of wonder, majesty, and exhilarating adventure by unlocking the magic of a safari.


Is it safe to go on an African safari?

If you adhere to the necessary safety precautions, going on safari is very secure. Make sure to research your destination and read up on safety precautions. Refrain from taking unplanned, solo trips without guidance or advice. Avoid taking too many chances, and be aware of your surroundings. Always heed the instructions and counsel of your safari guide and reserve a tour with a reputable operator.

 Is it true that all safaris involve large-game hunting?

No. While some safaris still involve game hunting, the majority place an emphasis on seeing and photographing wildlife. Other safari activities include, among others, hiking, biking, boating, and birdwatching.

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