Top 6 Reasons to visit Selous Game Reserve  : The Selous Game Reserve is one of the biggest wildlife reserves in the world. It is located in a far-off area of southern Tanzania. The reserve is larger than Denmark and four times the size of Serengeti National Park, with a total area of 54,000 square kilometers. The Selous Game reserve has a huge variety of plants and habitats, from woodlands and open grasslands to ravine forests and marshes.

How Long Does it take to do a Safari in Tanzania?

Visiting the Selous Game Reserve leaves a distinct animal impression, whether you are landing in a tiny chartered flight, driving through dense foliage, or cruising on a boat to your camp. This safari destination is historically significant, gorgeous, diversified, and unique. It is larger than the famous safari parks of Tanzania such Ngorongoro crater, Tarangire National park, Lake Manyara National Park, Ruaha national park, Serengeti National Park to mention a few . The cumulative experience of the Selous is frequently encountered while traveling through marshy terrain in a car, walking through Africa, and taking in the minute details of this peculiar environment.

Why should you visit the Selous game reserve? There are more tones of reasons of why the Selous game revere should be on everyone’s Tanzania bucket list. Here are some top reasons why the Selous game reserve should be your first choice if you’re thinking about taking an adventurous safari vacation to Africa, Tanzania.

Walking Safaris and Fly Camping

Walking safaris with a guide are a great chance to examine the tiny species and nuances of the environment up close. Fly camping is another fantastic choice for those seeking an additional and unique safari experience in this hidden germ located in Tanzania.

Boat safari

This water-related adventure should not to be missed out by anyone exploring the Selous game reserve. Take a trip down the powerful Rufiji River or one of its tributaries to observe a variety of birds, as well as several crocodiles and hippos. Other thirsty animals are frequently spotted nearby.

Top 6 Reasons to visit Selous Game Reserve
Selous Boat Trips

Fly fishing or sport fishing

Release after capture on the banks of the Rufiji River, fly fishing is a fantastic way to unwind and catch freshwater fish like catfish and tiger fish. It is one of the unique experience that can be found in only few places in Tanzania.

It never gets crowded

The Selous Game Reserve draws a specialized clientele of honeymooners, couples, families, and solitary travelers since it offers an intimate and selective camping experience. Due to the vast size of the game reserve, lodges and campers are dispersed throughout it, preventing uninterrupted wildlife viewing. Contrary to parks in the Tanzania Northern Safari Circuit, the reserve does not become crowded with numerous visitors, allowing one to observe an amazing animal drama without being disturbed. In the Selous, walking safaris are actually fairly common, and you can frequently spot wild creatures close to your tents.

Game drives with more privacy

Because Selous sees relatively few visitors, exploring the area on a game drive can feel completely private. Visitors can virtually have the wildlife sightings to themselves because there are so few other cars in the area. Highlights of sightings include elephants, big herds of buffalo, wild dogs, lions, and wild dogs.

Fantastic birding safari

With almost 400 identified species, the birds of Selous are incredibly diverse. In particular, between November and March, a number of migratory birds from Europe and North Africa can be seen. The African spoonbill, lilac-breasted roller, and carmine bee eater are just a few of the bird spices that can be seen, Top 6 Reasons to visit Selous Game Reserve

Luxury accommodation

It is incredible to experience the fantastic glamping possibilities in the Selous despite being in such remote locations without phone service or other modern conveniences. Cocktails by the pool, interesting chats around the campfire, personal outdoor showers, fine dining experiences, and breath-taking sunsets over the Rufiji delta are all to be expected.

Conclusion: A trip to the Selous Game Reserve can be readily coupled with a variety of other safari locations in Tanzania or a beach extension to the Swahili coast thanks to the position of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s only a 45-minute flight from Dar es Salaam city, so this area is perfect for a Southern Tanzanian safari.

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