Tanzania Horse Ridding Safari : Horse riding is a thrilling and unique way of exploring Tanzania’s extraordinary landscapes and diverse wildlife. It’s a different and immersive experience from traditional game drives. Horseback riding is non-intrusive and allows a close encounter with wildlife and observing their natural behaviors at an intimate level while immersing in the serene rhythm of nature. The rhythmic clop of hooves and the blowing of wind during the ride create a remarkable experience. Viewing wildlife from an elevated vantage point on horseback it’s less disturbing to some animals than vehicles, especially ungulates. Riders can approach animals within a minimum of 50 meters from the herds such as giraffes, zebras, wildebeest, eland, and other antelopes.

During safari well trained and certified professional guides will accompany the riders as they explore various national parks. The guides will ensure safety while sharing extensive knowledge of flora, fauna and local culture. Riding is through the designated routes and sites and not the usual routes used for game drives. Riding along the animals requires intermediate and experienced riders to embark on such a journey which involves long hours of riding.
One can partake in horse riding safari during the dry season from June – October which is the most favorable time for wildlife viewing and bird watching.
Also during the green season from late December to early March when the landscapes are lush and the best time for bird watching, fewer tourists and hence best prices.

Best places for Horseback riding safaris
Tanzania Horse Ridding Safari : Arusha National Park

Arusha National Park is one of the most beautiful national parks in East Africa and home to the second tallest mountain in Tanzania Mount Meru. The park is gifted with attractions from Wildlife which can be encountered at closer distances, crater, Mount Meru, waterfalls, Lake Momela and Longil, and a fig tree arch which a car can pass through. For riders, the park holds a history of an Iron Lady who explored the park on horseback during the First World War, Margarete Trappe.

Tanzania Horse Ridding Safari : Serengeti Migration ride

Serengeti National Park is the largest national park on Tanzania’s northern safari circuit, attracting many tourists throughout the year due to the abundance of wildlife and great migration which has caught the eyes of many people in the world. The migration is under the influence of the rainfall pattern, and herds tend to move throughout the year. The migration involves several events like the famous Mara crossing, the Gurumeti River crossing, and the calving in the Ndutu area. Visitors can ride with migration following the designated routes.

Tanzania Horse Ridding Safari : Lake Natron Flamingo ride

In the northwest region of Arusha near Kenya’s borders, lies majestic Lake Natron. This alkaline lake is at the base of Oldonyo Lengai an active volcano. It’s a breeding ground for thousands of flamingos who go there during breeding season. The lake has high alkalinity levels which makes it among the deadly lakes due to its harsh environment. It has drawn attention for its visual appeal, and deep red and pink coloration due to the red pigment produced by halo-archaea. Riders will approach the lake along the sandy riverbed where the Maasai people graze their herds. The landscape is more attractive here when compared to wildlife. The lake is hauntingly beautiful especially when covered with flamingos. The riders will encounter wildlife and pass through Maasai villages as they ride to the lake.

Tanzania Horse Ridding Safari : Kilimanjaro elephant ride

This ride blends adventure and cultural tourism as one passes through the villages. This ride takes place on the foot of the tallest free-standing mountain in the world, Mt. Kilimanjaro where there is an abundance of wildlife existing in different habitats ranging from savannah grassland to thick scrub. As you explore the wilderness while on horseback you will encounter herds of cantering zebra, munching elephants and gaze up at a tall giraffe. Apart from wildlife you will ride on the routes passing through villages and learn the way of life of Chagaa people and pastoralist Maasai. Riders can enjoy amazing hot coffee which is grown and prepared by Chagga people.

Tanzania Horse Ridding Safari
Kilimanjaro elephant ride

Experiencing a day on a horse riding safari

Riding normally takes place between 0700-1700 hours, whereas a regular day normally starts with breakfast. Then riders will mount their respective horses and embark on the journey depending on their destination of choice. Also depending on the level of experience riding hours vary but the minimum is 3 hours. After a long ride, resting will be assured accompanied by lunch. After resting, riders can start where they left off, depending on the itinerary they can enjoy game drives to get the most out of the place. Accommodation during riding is usually the temporary camps with necessary amenities.

Tips for memorable horse riding

Make sure to plan and book your safari with a trusted company for a thrilling and lifetime experience. Pack appropriate attires for horse riding like long trousers, excellent riding boots, sunscreen, insect repellant, huts, and binoculars. Abide with the regulations and avoid harassing wildlife while riding. Despite the thrill of being in close space with wildlife, maintain a safe distance. Make sure to ride with a trained guide and handler and make sure there is space between riders to avoid horse kicking.

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