Southern safari circuit in Kenya. The southern circuit in Kenya is one of the most visited of all the safari circuits in Kenya by tourists who visit Kenya on Kenya safari tours, all throughout the year. The southern safari circuit in Kenya offers some of the finest wildlife viewing destinations in magical Kenya. The southern safari circuit of Kenya holds highlights of the largest protected area in Kenya, Tsavo National Park, and Amboseli national Park which rewards travelers with spectacular out of this world experiences.

Safari highlights of the southern safari circuit in Kenya include;

Amboseli National Park

Renowned for her dense population of huge-tusked elephants, freely ranging against the magnificent backdrop of the Kilimanjaro Mountain in Tanzania, Amboseli National Park is the second most sought after and beautiful national park in Kenya. Most travelers who visit Kenya opt to include Amboseli National Park for an amazing wild game viewing experience. Amboseli National Park has a unique backdrop of the Kilimanjaro Mountain in Tanzania, which makes the park an amazingly beautiful and scenic photographic safaris.

Southern Safari Circuit in Kenya
Amboseli N.P

Due to the open nature of the Amboseli National Park, wildlife in Amboseli National Park is easy to spot even from a distance. Main animals in Amboseli National Park that you can see include grazers like wildebeests, zebras, gazelles, buffalos, giraffes, among so many others. Hippos in Amboseli National Park can easily be seen in the open water and connecting swamps and channels.

Tsavo West National Park

Tsavo West National Park is home to land of lava, springs, man-eaters and magical sunsets. Tsavo West National Park is a beautiful Kenya national park with various attractions: from the Mzima Springs gushing out from under parched lava rocks, to the Shetani lava flows, Tsavo West National Park is a beautiful rugged wilderness, with open grasslands, scrublands, and acacia woodlands as well as belts of riverine vegetation and rocky ridges including the Poacher’s Lookout from where tourists can can see herds of animals in the plains below. Tsavo West National Park inhabits a wide variety of wildlife including elephants, rhinos, hippos, lions, cheetahs, leopards, buffalos, various bird species and so much more. Red dirt elephants are a sight to behold in Tsavo West National Park.

Activities in Tsavo West National Park that you can enjoy include underwater hippo and fish watching, cave exploration, game viewing, bird watching, among so many others.

Tsavo East National Park

Tsavo East National Park is one of the Kenya safari destinations located in the Southern safari circuit in Kenya. Tsavo East National Park is a theatre of the wild. The sight of dust-rest elephants wallowing and rolling and spraying each other with midnight blue waters of palm-shaded Galana River. Along with the 300km long Yatta Plateau which is the longest lava flow in the world makes an adventure in Tsavo East National Park quite unforgettable.

Southern Safari Circuit in Kenya
Tsavo East Elephants

Tsavo East National Park is the largest protected area in Kenya and is home to most of the larger mammals, vast herds of dust-red elephants, buffalo, rhino, lions, leopards. Serried ranges of hippos, crocodiles, waterbucks, lesser kudu, and gerenuk, among so many others. Tsavo East National Park is also a bird haven with over 500 birds recorded in the park. Among the activities in Tsavo East National Park that travelers can enjoy include birds watching, camping, game viewing, trekking, and so much more.

Chyulu Hills National Park

Chyulu Hills National Park is the green hills of Africa, with verdant rolling hills of endless green great blue skies with spectacular landscape views. Chyulu Hills National Park is a great Kenya national park safari destination for nature lovers. You shall get to see mammals like buffalos, giant forest hogs, leopards, reedbucks, bush pigs, elands and so much more. Some of the activities in Chyulu Hills National Park include horseback riding, camping, mountain climbing, bird watching, and so much more.

Apart from the southern safari circuit in Kenya, there are other Kenya safari circuits that travelers can visit. Other Kenya safari circuits include the Central Kenya circuit, Nairobi circuit, Coastline circuit, eastern circuit, northern rift circuit, south rift circuit, and the western circuit. These Kenya safari circuits offer some of the most amazing Kenya safari destinations, including some of the most sought after safari destinations that is the Masai Mara National Reserve famous for the big 5 animals and great wildebeest migration, to the coastline of Kenya rewarding travelers with calming views of the serene Indian Ocean tides, and fine white sand beaches.

Kenya is one of the most amazing safari destinations in Africa and the world at large. If wild game viewing, authentic safari experiences and beach holidays, as well as mountaineering, then Kenya is one of the best option for your Africa safari. Get in touch with us and we shall be glad to take you on this unforgettable safari experience.

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