How to do Tanzania Safari on Budget  : Visiting Africa may appear to be a costly journey at first, but it is well worth it. All of these things can be expensive in Tanzania, which has wonderful tourist attractions and is a well-known safari destination. You will undoubtedly spend a lot of money, whether hiking Kilimanjaro, sightseeing in the Serengeti, or vacationing in a resort. However, the correct money-saving advice can assist you in sticking to your budget.

 A Safari in Tanzania is likely an once-in-a-lifetime experience for many of you, and seeing the Big Five does not require spending a fortune. Your safari vacation should not put you in debt because there is another life after your tour vocation. When planning a safari in Tanzania, there are a few simple strategies to save money. In this well-researched guide, we’ll show you tried and true strategies to save money while organizing the safari vacation of your dreams to Tanzania. And here’s how to save money on your Tanzania vacation.

  1. Book a local safari operator.

Many online sites offering online safari offers are headquartered outside of Tanzania, most notably in the United Kingdom and the United States, and quote astronomical prices while having no offices in Tanzania. They hire local agencies, which means you’ll overpay for your Tanzanian safari because they only get paid a large commission for referring customers to third-party operators. To avoid this and go on your once in a life time safari to Tanzania without breaking your bank account, try to do many researches of your tour operators you want to book with. There are more than 100 local safari operators in Tanzania and Focus East Africa Tours being one of them.

How to do Tanzania Safari on Budget
Tour Operator
  1. Consider lodging outside the parks.

Within Tanzania’s national parks, there are a variety of five-star and budget-friendly accommodations. Outside of the national parks, there are unique, high-quality, up-market lodges, campgrounds, and hotels. Outside the park gates, most lodging alternatives are moderately affordable. By booking one of these places, you can save a lot of money. The reason for this is that you will not be required to pay the mandatory concession costs that apply to lodging within the park. When planning your safari in Tanzania, ask your tour coordinator to suggest the safest and most dependable hotel options outside of the national park. It’s a terrific way to save money for the holiday’s safari in Tanzania.

  1. Visit during the off-season

Skipping peak season will help you save money on your trip to Tanzania. Peak seasons are unquestionably expensive, with no room for a classic bargain. However, during the off-season, most of the sites are free to see, with only a few other people to contend with. Safari rates are also cheaper during this period. In addition, some of the establishments are offering discounted lodging.

However, because the great wildlife migration occurs during the peak season, you will have to forego it. Plan your trip between April and May, when the weather is mild. March is one of the shoulder seasons. Then there’s another off-peak season from November through December. However, if you plan your trip during the off-peak season, you can save much more money.

  1. Join a group safari

Another method to save money in your Tanzania safari holiday is to just to negotiate with your friends and other family members and go together in a safari trip to Tanzania. What make a group safari cheaper than a solo traveler is than when your many there is some of the things than you can share such as the accommodations and safari vehicle.

  1. Go for daily safari to parks in close proximity to Arusha.

If you’re on a shoestring budget but still want to sample the safari experience, take a day excursion to either Tarangire National Park or Arusha National Park. Due to their proximity, only those two parks in the Northern Circuit are suitable for a one-day safari.

How to do Tanzania Safari on Budget
Arusha National Park
  1. Opt for a shorter safari.

Some people want a week-long safari, while others want more. Unfortunately, longer safaris are more expensive. A brief safari, on the other hand, can be fully enjoyed. A tour like this might last three or four nights and four days, and you can see a lot of animals. This package is ideal for anyone looking for a low-cost safari. If you have a limited vacation budget, you may want to consider a shorter Tanzania safari package.

  1. Visit other interesting yet cheaper parks.

The famed parks of Kilimanjaro, Ngorongoro and Serengeti should be avoided. Visit the less well-known game parks instead. They provide a similar wildlife sightseeing experience at a lower cost. If you don’t want to miss the great Mt. Kilimanjaro, head to the park’s edge. Alternatively, stay in one of the park’s lodges for a magnificent view.

Tanzanian safaris appear to be pricey since many packages include visits to well-known parks. Unfortunately, the majority of these parks have exorbitant admission rates. While visiting the Serengeti or the Ngorongoro Crater is fantastic, you may want to consider other, less expensive, and more thrilling options. You can save a lot of money by visiting other well-known parks. For example, Tarangire National Park in Tanzania provides excellent wildlife viewing chances at a lower cost than other well-known parks.

  1. Use campsites over lodges.

If you want to go on a Tanzania safari, but you’re on a tight budget, go on an once-in-a-lifetime adventure and go camping instead of staying at a luxury resort. Don’t be terrified of camping: all of Tanzania camping safaris take place in secure campgrounds with all the required amenities. Focus East Africa Tours also supply you with new and clean tents, sleeping bags, and comfortable camping chairs, as well as a cook who will prepare all of your meals to ensure that your enjoying your camping safari with little budget/ money you have.

How to do Tanzania Safari on Budget
Fanaka campsites and lodges

Safaris are no exception to the rule that vacations are considered a luxury. However, patterns are shifting. You can find a solution to avoid booking that Tanzania safari if you are on a restricted budget. All you have to do is think about going on a short safari, visiting parks with lower entrance prices, and traveling during the off-season.

Safaris in Tanzania are known to be lavish, and as a result, they are intended to be pricey entertainment. People, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly interested in getting the most bang for their buck. As a result, Tanzanian budget safaris and excursions are becoming more prevalent, providing guests with an unforgettable experience at a reasonable cost. You may save a lot of money when planning a trip to Tanzania with your Tanzania Focus East Africa Tours.

book a safari