Experience Tanzania Tourism over the Rainy Season : The nature of Tourism in Tanzania over the rainy season is some of the world’s finest. Apart from being a world-class tourism destination, this country in the Eastern part of Africa is a haven for tourists who want to experience relaxing over rainy seasons. Rarely you will find it raining in January only when there is the effect of global warming. Usually, the rainy season in Tanzania starts in the mid or end of February it goes through March, April, and ends in May. It rains seventeen days (17) per month but this does not mean that it rains throughout the day, usually, it rains at night and the rains are heavy but also short. If you have a tight budget the best time to come is the wet or rainy season, because during this season there is no large population of tourists arriving in Tanzania. Therefore, you will get low costs of accommodations in lodges and hotels and cheap costs of flights. The Discounts bring a big advantage of having a tour in Tanzania during the rainy season since there are fewer tourists than the rest of the year.

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If you are planning to experience tourism in Tanzania during the rainy season, here is the best place you should not miss visit;

Lake Manyara National Park. Explore more wildlife at lake Manyara national park. Two third of this park is covered by water and it’s most famous for its large population of flamingoes. Apart from migrating flamingoes, you will also see other bird species like the storks, kingfishers, egrets, and eagles. You can also enjoy going around the lake using canoes. It is best to visit this place over the rainy season to be able to see more buffaloes, baboons, warthogs, velvet monkeys, impalas, zebras, elephants, leopard tortoises, and tree climbing lions.

Experience Tanzania Tourism over the Rainy Season
Tree Climbing Lions in Lake Manyara

Ngorongoro conservation area. In the First step, you will reach the top of the Ngorongoro crater, I think you will be surprised to observe the beauty of the volcanic crater that you have never seen. There is much wildlife living in the crater, specifically, over 25,000 wild animals are living within the craters. Where the most common are the wildebeest, lions, zebra, hyenas, rhinos, buffaloes, gazelles, and the retired elephant bulls. Most of the animals like this place because of its constant supply of water. This is one of the must-visit places in Tanzania over the rainy season because you will find more animals compared to the dry season when animals tend to migrate to other parks.

Serengeti national park. It holds an ecosystem that is larger in size and holds the second largest mammal migration in the world. Welcome to Serengeti national park in Tanzania. You will be sighting ten of thousand zebras and the wildebeest over there. This is the best place to see all the big animals. Most tourist visit this park for wildlife viewing between December and June over dry season. I would recommend you to go during rainy seasons between February to May though you will find some road to the camp having plenty of muddy water but there are safari cars which are never stuck in mud or water. There are many animals in the park over rainy season you will have unlimited possibility to enjoy watching the wildlife at Serengeti since the park will be quite and no migration of animals at all, Experience Tanzania Tourism over the Rainy Season.

There is so much more in Tanzanian tourism. Still there is so much to do and to see.  So, let find out.

Beaches in Zanzibar. Take a break at the beaches in Zanzibar over rainy season. The highland of Zanzibar has gorgeous soft white sand, palm trees, and traditional boats. You can choose to lounge on the beach or go and involve yourself with the island life interacting with welcoming locals. The beaches are cool and have a luxurious feeling. You will enjoy swimming while raining.

Snorkel at mafia island. Mafia island is a great place for divers and snorkelers to explore the waters. The island is protected by the mafia island marine park. The best time to go diving here is from October to march in the best weather. The marine park on the island has a beautiful coral garden and a variety of marine life.

Experience Tanzania Tourism over the Rainy Season
Snorkel at mafia island

Still, there is so much to do and to see in Tanzania. Let’s us go through the following places and get some more details;

Mwanza city. You can go here as well all year round, it’s good for a shortstop and enjoy the vibe of the market in town, sun rise to sun set in visiting Bismark rock found at the middle of Lake Victoria, some cultural education and Sukuma museum in Bujora.

Lake Natron. This is a Salt Lake by nature. It is the perfect place to see flamingoes, do some camping or just a nice stop before hiking Mount Oldoinyo Lengai. The mount Oldonyo Lengai is truly the world’s strangest volcano, the volcano erupts low temperature black Lava which has a viscosity lower than water. Oldoinyo Lengai is the only volcano in the world to erupt this unique type of lava.

Olduvai Gorge. This is a significant archeological site. Here Dr. Louis Seymour Leakey found 1.8 Million years old early human being fossils. This place is not too far from Laetoli Footprints which is a trail of 3.7 million years old human footprints.

Mount Hanang and Katesh.  Katesh is a good point to start climbing Tanzania’s third highest mountain, Mount Hanang.

To conclude, it is very worth planning your holiday in Tanzania and traveling during the big rainy season in March, April, and May. Most of the things during this season are super interesting.

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