Distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park is something to consider a head of your Tanzania safari visiting the world famous Serengeti National Park. The distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park depends on the means or way that you are to get to Serengeti National Park. In all however, the distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport 380km about 236 miles by road, with a driving time of about 6 hours. Putting into consideration the stops made en-route from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park, the drive from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park can take up to 7 hours or more by road.

The distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park by plane, referred to as the flying distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park is 288km or 179 miles, with an estimated flying time of about 1 hour or so.

Distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park
Distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park

Travellers not after driving long distances from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park, or who wouldn’t want to stop in Arusha before proceeding to the Serengeti can decide to fly directly to the park, in any of the available Serengeti National Park airfields.

The Kilimanjaro International Airport is one of the main international airports in Tanzania, perfectly servicing the northern safari circuit of Tanzania which is the most visited part of Tanzania. The northern safari circuit encompasses the Serengeti national Park famous for the great wildebeest migration and a vast expanse inhabiting a large variety of wildlife, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area which hosts the largest inactive caldera in the world the Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania whose floor hosts over 25000 animals that travellers can see while on Ngorongoro Crater drives, Tarangire National Park renowned for the huge elephant herds and great towering baobab trees, as well as Lake Manyara National Park which has tree climbing lions and huge flocks of pink flamingos. The Kilimanjaro International Airport services international airlines like KLM, Brussels, KQ, Emirates, Qatar, among so many others from all over the world. Looking to visit Tanzania on a Tanzania safari tour sometime in future, the Kilimanjaro International Airport is your best pick.

The distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Arusha town, the tourism hub of the northern safari circuit is about 51.9km away, only about 1-2 hours of road drive. This therefore is a great stop for those travellers who wouldn’t be up to a direct transfer from the Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park or any of the destinations they ought to be going to depending on their Tanzania safari itinerary.

Flying from Kilimanjaro International Airport or Arusha Airport is the fastest way to get to Serengeti National Park, on both scheduled and chartered flights operated by a number of domestic airlines like the Grumeti Air, Flight Link, Coastal Aviation, among so many others.

Getting to Serengeti National Park by Road

In light of the distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park, travellers can get to Serengeti National Park not only by doing Serengeti flying safaris. Travellers can also get to Serengeti National Park by road, one of the most scenic and popular ways of getting to Serengeti National Park. Serengeti National Park is about 7-8 hours from Arusha town. With this in mind, most travellers do opt to break their long drive with a stop in one or more other national parks of Tanzania in the northern safari circuit, especially Tarangire National park or Ngorongoro Conservation Area as sought after by many travellers.

With flying safaris up to 7 airstrips in Serengeti National Park are available for tourists say the Seronera Airstrip, Kogatende Airstrip and Fort Ikoma airstrip among others. Travellers who do access Serengeti National park by road on the other hand have a number of gates in Serengeti National Park that they can use, including Ndabaka gate, Naabi Hill gate, Klein’s Gate, as well as Bologonya gate.

Distance from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Serengeti National Park
Serengeti National Park Safaris

Serengeti National Park is one of the most visited Tanzania national parks rewarding travellers with some of the most unforgettable Africa safari experiences. the distance from Ngorongoro Conservation Area to Serengeti National Park central region is about 160km and 3 hours of road drive, the distance from Lake Natron to Serengeti National Park is about 220km and 7 hours, the distance from Tarangire National Park to Serengeti National Park is about 6 hours only, while it is only about 1-2 hours from Lake Manyara National Park to Serengeti National Park.

Looking to see visit the Serengeti National Park, and wondering how long it would be from Kilimanjaro International Airport? With the help of an experienced tour consultant you shall be able to get to Serengeti National Park from any part of Tanzania and the world you may in. get in touch with your trusted tour operator to help you put together an amazing Tanzania safari itinerary and price, visiting the Serengeti National Park from Kilimanjaro International Airport and other places.

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