The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is Africa’s second-largest country. It is, nevertheless, unrivaled in terms of natural beauty and riches. Congo safaris reveal incredible species, many of which are unique to the region, thanks to the country’s dense tropical rain forest. A few examples include the shy Okapi, eastern lowland gorillas, and bonobos. Gorillas are currently the most popular attraction in Congo. The Democratic Republic of Congo is the only country on the planet that has both mountain and lowland gorillas. The Nyiragongo volcano in Virunga National Park is unquestionably one of Africa’s most spectacular sights.

A Congo safari may be a little off the beaten path, but it often results in a friendly welcome and some heart-warming interactions with the local people, who are genuinely unaccustomed to, and fascinated by, foreign visitors. A Congo safari is known for its biodiversity and natural richness, which includes the largest area of primary rainforest in Africa. For pioneering adventurers seeking a uniaque African experience, the Republic of Congo offers plenty of opportunities for exploration