Budget/Affordable/Cheap Serengeti Safari :  The Serengeti ecosystem is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a world-renowned natural area. The Great Migration, which includes wildebeest, zebra, and Thomson’s gazelles, is the world’s greatest ungulate migration in this park. The Serengeti is a spectacular natural area throughout Africa and the world, with resilient predator populations and iconic animals such as elephants, giraffes, and rhinos. Serengeti National Park, as one of the world’s most recognized national parks, has a reputation for being a luxurious and expensive destination, this is not the case; the Serengeti should be regarded as both a budget, mid-range, and luxury safari destination.

The Serengeti national park can be visited on a low-cost or budget safari as well as a high-cost or luxury safari, depending on the visitor’s budget and desire to visit the Serengeti. Keep in mind that you can go on a luxury or expensive Serengeti safari, but you can also go on a budget Serengeti safari. However, the two types of Serengeti safaris (luxury and budget) differ in their approach to discovering and enjoying the Serengeti national park. In this post, we will discuss how to develop and visit the Serengeti National Park on a shoestring budget.

A budget camping safari in the Serengeti would cost between 180 and 300 USD per day; these types of wildlife safaris are suitable for adventure travelers.

Budget/Affordable/Cheap Serengeti Safari
Game drives in Serengeti

Mid-range Serengeti safari trip rates range from 350 to 600 USD per day and are ideal for tourists looking for a little extra comfort on their Serengeti safari without breaking the bank.

The average price of a luxury Serengeti safari tour ranges from 700 USD per day to hover around 2000 USD per day, with a greater emphasis on comfort and design in this type of safari.


Consider the following

Go/book a Serengeti national park safari during the low season.

This is the first point to consider when evaluating Serengeti on a budget. You can book during the low season, which begins in April and ends in May, or before the huge migration begins in January and February. When the dry and golden plains grasses turn lusher, this is known as the green season in the Serengeti. During this time, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful green nature of the Serengeti, but animal viewing is still best, though it cannot be compared to the dry season, which runs from June to October.

You can also visit the Serengeti during the months of January to March, when you will be able to see wildebeest giving birth in the Ndutu area near the Ngorongoro conservation area; keep in mind that this is still the low season, so you will get more enjoyment because there are also more predators in that area at a lower cost. The advantage of visiting the Serengeti during this season is that there are fewer safari vehicles in the park, allowing for more rewarding and comfortable wildlife viewing.

The entrance fees are only USD 60 during the low season and USD 70 during the peak season, so you can see how much money you have saved and still be able to enjoy your trip to the Serengeti for that low price thus Budget/Affordable/Cheap Serengeti Safari.

Accommodations (Go on a Serengeti budget lodge/ camping safari)

Without a doubt, the cheapest Serengeti safari is a budget camping safari; this is one of the best ways to have a full Serengeti safari vacation on a shoestring budget. This type of low-cost Serengeti camping safari appeals to adventurous travelers since it includes transporting all of your camping gear, a guide, and possibly a cook in your car. Your lodging during your Serengeti budget safari will be a dome tent with a mattress on the tent floor, a pillow, and a sleeping bag.

Budget/Affordable/Cheap Serengeti Safari
game drives in serengeti national park

The Serengeti has designated public campsites with standard facilities such as kitchens, washrooms, dining, concrete trails, parking areas, and enough camping grounds. A good example of a campsite liked by most visitors and has all the required facilities is the Serengeti Ngiri camping, Diki diki campsite, and so on thus Budget/Affordable/Cheap Serengeti Safari.

However, if camping is not your thing, you may stay outside the national park and visit it every morning. There are more affordable lodges outside the park, and you will save more than half your money this way. Remember that lodges inside the national park charge a higher rate than lodges outside the park; in addition to the higher rate, you must also pay concession fees and government VAT. So, when planning an economical Serengeti safari, living outside the park in budgeted accommodation is more than a good way to save money.

If you want to stay at a lodge inside the park, look for low-cost Serengeti safari lodges and camps. However, if you’re wondering where to stay within the Serengeti national park during your visit and don’t know where to start, there are a number of affordable Serengeti lodges and camps of varying prices that offer lodging in this wild and scenic landscape where you can still enjoy your trip while saving money. Among the lodges are the following:

  • Kati Kati Tented Camp
  • Tortilis Tented Camp
  • Serengeti sound of silence
  • Africa safari Maasai boma
  • Serengeti river camp
  • Africa safari Serengeti Ikoma.
  • Seronera Wildlife Lodge
  • Tanzania National Park (TANAPA) Bandas, located in the Central Serengeti

Visit the Serengeti in a group.

Remember that this is another option for visiting the Serengeti National Park on a budget or affordable basis. The size of the group has a significant impact on the final cost of a Serengeti safari. When visiting the Serengeti in a group, some costs can be shared, such as safari car costs, lodging (most safari hotels and camps have rooms that can accommodate up to four people in one room), and so on. A safari to Serengeti National Park will be less expensive if you travel in a larger group thus Budget/Affordable/Cheap Serengeti Safari.

So, if you want to visit Serengeti National Park but your pocketbook or budget won’t allow it, don’t worry about it; instead, persuade some of your friends to join you, and they will give a small amount, allowing you to split the cost and make your trip more successful.

Visit the Serengeti national park on a self-drive safari.

Self-drive safaris in the Serengeti national park are not yet very popular, but they are possible. The main challenge here is that you must be very familiar with the Serengeti places and areas unless you want to get lost. If you don’t know the places, you can hire some of the local people around the Serengeti who will be directing you. This is usually done by more experienced travelers, and Serengeti self-drive trips can help you save money on your Tanzania safari.

Budget/Affordable/Cheap Serengeti Safari
Serengeti National Park Safaris


Booking a holiday package that includes transportation from Arusha, lodging, meals, and park fees, as well as game drives and other activities at the safari lodge, is the most cost-effective way to visit the Serengeti.

While the Serengeti is known for its premium and luxury camps and lodges, there is a good selection of mid-range accommodation alternatives both inside and beyond the park’s boundaries. The advantage of staying outside the park limits is that you don’t have to pay park fees for your days of transit to and from the Serengeti thus Budget/Affordable/Cheap Serengeti Safari.

Book your vacation during the rainiest months of April and May, which are also the least popular months to visit the Serengeti, to obtain the best deals on lodges and safari trips. Even if it rains heavily, the animal viewing will be excellent, and you’ll get more value for your money, as well as fewer other guests in the park.

NOTE, Going on a budget-priced Serengeti safari does not imply that you will receive subpar services or a subpar game viewing experience, and know that the term “budget Serengeti safari” has no clear definition because each custom-tailored Serengeti national park safari is unique and costs vary significantly depending on a variety of factors, so don’t be put off by going on a budget-priced Serengeti safari.

book a safari