Bigo Byamugenyi site

Bigo bya mugenyi   referred by the local as “ fort of strangers” is yet another re-known historical and cultural site in Uganda, its history dates as far as the Bachwezi  group of people and their settlements in Uganda the bachwezi were also remembered as demi gods because of their disappearing tactics.  Bigo bya mugenyi is situated in current day mawogola country in western Uganda.

Bigo bya mugenyi is known for the woods, shrubs,  wild flowers, savanna grassland  and because the history of Bachwezi who  were believed to be the inhabitants of Bigo bya mugenyi  have no traceability in terms of origin, the site has remained a historical site being  studied about by the locals in social studies at a subject in Uganda’s primary schools, there it being preserved as the country’s historical site.

The  Bachwezi people  also known as the chwezi were  famous for their  mystical powers, exhibited in their disappearance tactics , they are said to disappear in the air leaving their marks on the rocks or on the surfaces the stand on . the most recent  traces of the chwezi is at the Amabere ganyina mwiru another yet a  popular attraction in fort portal city , the Kigere are said to be foot prints of the bachwezi which correlates with the assertion that they used to disappear and leave footprints back when they disappear in the air.

The cultural and historical site of bigo bya mugenyi spans an area of approximately 10kms squared. The people of chwezi  had a system of governance and they were rulled  or presided over by two kings namely king wamala and King Ndahura who was said to be the last king of the Bachwezi. When travelers are  tourist visit this historiall sites, they are meant to perform a cleansing exercise which  deems them clean  and free from any wrath of the local gods of chwezi people.

Bigo bya mugenyi cultural sites constitutes of several grass thatched hurts that is made, the areas is believed to be where the chweiz went and sought got their gods in persuit of blessings  ,  wealth and other  personal effects.

Adjacent to the cultural site exists other cultural sites such as Ndauwula  and nakayiwa, its also there that they made prayers to their gods in search for blessings. In the two sites the believed that their gods disappeared leaving two baskets at the door way. This historical site can be accessed from Sembabule town in about 60km.  Other activities one can possible do while on a trail to bigo by mugenyi is visiting the savanna areas with possibly owsome views

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