Bagamoyo Historical Tour : Bagamoyo is one of the most famous cities that has a great history and it has a great connection with tourism activities. It existed since time in memorial. It was once the most important and significant trading center on the coast of east Africa as it was a trading town linking merchants from various continents in the world. This was prior to the rise of slave trading activities at the city were other activities especially for the indigenous marked their end and the slave trading activities took a race. It has now remained a great city of cultural and historical heritage. Below are just a few out of many fascinating historical features and all the attractions at Bagamoyo.

The church of Bagamoyo; this is also a historical building that is existing since time in memorial. The Bagamoyo church was built around the 19th century especially in 1868 and it was since then the oldest and first church to be built earlier in the coastal areas around east Africa. It was also used as the only cemetery where various foreigners especially the missionaries were buried. With the church there is also a small shrine which was built by the slaves who were freed around 1876 which is also seen around the church ruins. The church were mostly used only by the foreigners especially the missionaries and when slave trade activities the natives were commanded not to worship in the church. They also, used the church as one of the tool to spread Christianity and most people became loyal and opposed not to the inhumane activities especially the slave activities.

Also, the historical memories shows that the Dutch used to spend their time as well in the city and they used this church for religious activities. There are also some memories that shows that around 1934 up to 1991 there were Portuguese priests commonly known as the Dutch priests almost about 35 of them and they also worked as priests serving in this church.

One of the very memorable priest who served as the priest in this church was the Father known as Father Frits who came from Netherlands and stayed for almost about 30 years in Bagamoyo. Father Frits Versteijnen started the first museum in Bagamoyo around the old father’s house in March 1968.

The second Father’s House; this house was constructed near to the largest church which is believed to be the Mother of all Churches in east Africa which was also fallen due to the climatic changes that causes corrosive effects following the fall of this historical house. It was built in different times as the history shows that its floor was built in early years of 1873. Then, its first floor was built in 1877 and the second and last floor was built in 1903.

Bagamoyo Historical Tour
Bagamoyo Historical Tour

Boma ruins; around all activities at the city. There were government that was the colonial government of German. The colonialists built the Boma from 1895 to 1897 where they used it as their residence and official activities for the German colonial governor was conducted at these offices. The roof of the Boma was then fallen down in 1998 and the balcony was pulled down following the great rains of El Nino. The Boma ruins is still there up to now and it is so fascinating though it is certainly dangerous.

The college of arts; this is college commonly known as chuo cha Sanaa and it is the only major artist college in Tanzania. The artist college is offering studies of different studies such as music, painting, and drama dancing among others. The college is also associated and situated along the Kaole road which is close to the Kaole ruins. Students from this college are offering free performance to the attendants especially during weekend. This allows visitors from various places to acquaint with various traditional practices such as traditional dances.

They are also offering various offers such as playing music instruments with the college something which is always needing some arrangements and negotiations in advance.

The Bagamoyo Museums; this is the small museum that was built in the city. It is there only for displaying the historical background of the city including its relationship with the ancient foreigners. The museum have various historical memories such as the old photographs, relics and other documents that are existing since the early days of slave trade, Bagamoyo Historical Tour.

Also, it is in this museum where there is a small chapel commonly known as the Anglican church of Holly Cross. This is the only church which is famous as it is the place where the remains of the great archaeologist Dr. David Livingstone. Dr. David Livingstone was laid in this small church before he was taken to Zanzibar islands. Then, there was a route to Westminster abbey for burial ceremonies.

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