Animals in Ngorongro crater

Animals in Ngorongro crater: Ngorongoro crater is an iconic and one of the most popular travel destination entire African continent, situated in northern Tanzania close to other popular national parks such as the famous Serengeti national park. Ngorongoro crater from time to time thrived to become a wildlife haven filled an approximate of   twenty five thousand wildlife/ animals residing in there including the most sought after big 5.

The formation of ngorongoro crater resulted from the an eruption that took place in the  conservation area, that blew off the top  creating caldera leading to the formation of  the crater. furthermore due to the fertility of the soil/ volcanic soils,  there vegetation quickly formed creating an impressive scenery and habitat that attracted both  animal to ngorongoro and as well as some human settlement. The vegetation caused an immense increase in numbers of animals of ngorongoro crater as well as birds , the vegetation provided adequate food.

animals in ngorongoro

The attraction of the animals in the Ngorongoro crater was created by the abundance of the food that was in the crater. it is also assumed the   some of the wildlife or animals in ngorongoro simply fell there and got trapped  as they made their way to lake Manyara national park   from Serengeti national park during the transmigration  un the dry season  in pursuit of food,  the migration  was usually cause by the dry spell that lasted  substantive people of time  inclining the wildlife to move in search for food.

The huge influx of animals into the ngorongoro crater area was also attributed to the fresh alkaline waters this water attracted the flamingoes along with other birds species while the fresh vegetation brought the black rhinos one of the most sought after wildlife in the Ngorongoro.

Ngorongoro crater is home to the big five to mention the lions, rhinos, buffaloes, leopards and elephants, the area is also known for having the largest number of lions as permanent residents of the crater amounting 55 lions in the crater compared to nowhere else in the world. The park has a total of 7000 wildebeest, 6000 spotted hyena ,300 elephants, 55 lions,  3000elands, 3000 zebras, 30 black rhinos,  other include  jackal, antelopes,  hippos among others getting the total to 25,000 wildlife.

birds of ngorongoro

Besides animals in ngorongoro crater, the area also harbors several bird species from savanna birds, to water birds, to forest birds,   migratory birds which originate from other parts of east Africa and from Europe during the breeding seasons. The most common bird species in ngorongoro crater include: ostriches, flamingoes, kori bustards, great white pelican, love birds, king fisher, augur buzzard, sea hawks among birds among others.  The toal number of bird speceies at Ngorongro amount to 500 species.

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