A joint Tour to Selous Game Reserve : Selous game reserve is one of the best national parks in Tanzania that most people prefer to visit it. It is one of the few parks in the world having full of small camps. It is said to be almost larger than Switzerland in size. Selous game reserve is currently best known as Nyerere national park. The name selous were used formerly before it was transformed to be called Nyerere national park. Selous game reserve is located on southern part of Tanzania and it is famous for its ability to offer and to afford the travelers with a great experience and exclusive wild safari.

Having a group safari to Selous game reserve is exposing oneself to one of the precious national parks with a plenty of flora and fauna. It makes the group of visitors enjoy and celebrate since they can chat and play to each other on their safari.

The selous game reserve is one of the national parks that can be easily reached as compared to others. It can be reached easily when the group is passing through either from Zanzibar or from Dar es Salaam.

The safari takes almost about five hours all the way from Dar es Salaam to the reserve which is one of the most areas with few explorations and very rarely touched in Tanzania. When the visitors reach the reserve they can be embarked on boats where they can admire various species of animals such as crocodiles and hippos staying calmly in their natural habitats. Also, other services such as meals and accommodations are offered in the reserve according to the booking that has been done.

A joint Tour to Selous Game Reserve
Selous Boat Trips

The group of visitors can also spend their time having a short break relaxing on an Indian Ocean beach. This is because the beach is one of the perfect and simplest way to round off a safari – an action packed one. So, the visitors can have a while enjoyable and joyful moment at the beach before going directly to the reserve.

The group of visitors is highly advised to visit the game reserve on a certain seasons of the year though visitors may decide to visit it in any season. The main recommended season of having Tanzania safari to selous game reserve is during the dry season that usually commences from June to October. Visitors are advised to visit in this season since it is the best time when the varieties of animal species are clustering around the various water bodies such as waterholes, lakes and rivers.

It is very easy to find the animal and bird species in this season than any other season of the year. Also, it is the time when transport infrastructures such as roads are best used without any disturbances.

The visitors having a group tour to selous game reserve exposes them to one of the very rarely species of animals such as the black rhino, sable antelope, Lichtenstein’s hartebeest, Nyasa wildebeest and elands. Also, the presence of more than 400 species of birds makes the reserve area to be so attractive and fascinating. These species of birds includes the peel’s fishing owl.

Also, the visitors enjoys game drives when in groups. This is because exploring the Selous game reserve by using the game drive makes the group to feel almost private since the reserve experience low number of visitors on daily basis. Guests and visitors usually enjoy themselves when they are exposed to wildlife sighting that is almost done by themselves. On their sighting using the game drive, they can see various species of wild animals such as wild dogs, lions, elephants and some large herds of buffalos, A joint Tour to Selous Game Reserve

On the specific months of November through March, the visitors may enjoy varieties of bird species that are usually migrating from various places of the world. The mostly migrated areas are the bird species from Europe and northern part of America. These species can be easily spotted from November to March in the reserve area. Some of the species of birds that can be easily and simply spotted during this season includes the lilac-breasted roller, carmine bee eater and the famous species known as the African spoonbill.

Then, the visitors may enjoy and relax having the sport fishing on the reserve area. This is mostly done in the evening when the visitors can relax on the great banks of Rufiji River. When flying in river, they can get a chance of catching fresh water fish such as the tiger fish and the catfish. This may make the visitors feel prestigious and their tour could be marked as the historical and remarkable tour on the Selous game reserve.

In fact, the Selous game reserve is best for group safaris since it is one of the quiet and rarely visited place. It is also having few scientific explorations since it is the remotest area.

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