7 Days Tanzania wildlife safari

This 7 days Tanzania wildlife safari    represents the needs of travelers who intend to spend more time in Tanzania national park ,   you will visit Serengeti national parkNgorongoro crater,   Tarangire national park and Lake Manyara national park.  The  safari will offer a whole new experience of the wildlife some of the wildlife you will include the big 5 as well other  animals such as the giraffes, Thomson gazelles, zebras, jackals, hyenas, jackals and several bird species.

7 days Tanzania wildlife safari
Tanzania wildlife safaris

Day 1 of 7 days Tanzania wildlife safari:  transfer to lake Manyara national park.

You will be picked by our guide from your accommodation after breakfast and you will embark on a safari to Lake Manyara national park. lake Manyara national park boasts of Shallow massive soda lake that covers  two thirds of the park attracting several birds species with the most notable one being the flamingos  , the drive could take a proximately  two and half hours,  upon arrival, you will check in at your lodge for lunch  and a brief relaxation.

Later after lunch you will head to the park in search for wildlife species, some of the wildlife you will find in the park includes; elephants, tree climbing lions,   wildebeests, zebras, hyenas , buffaloes  and birds species such as the flamingoes. Later you will head back to your lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2 of 7 days Tanzania wildlife safari :  transfer from Lake Manyara  to Serengeti national park.

 Get up in the morning after breakfast,  Check out of the lodge and  transfer to  Serengeti  national park  through the lush countryside past the  Karatu plateau  the drive takes approximately 6 hours, upon arrival, you will check in your lodge for lunch and a brief relaxation.  Later after lunch will head for a evening game drive in the in search for wildlife. Some of the wildlife sightings you may come across will include the big five  and other wildlife . later head back to the lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3 of 7 days Tanzania wildlife safari : whole day at Serengeti national park.

 Early in the morning, you will breakfast and later venture into the park in search for wildlife, this morning will cover the tracks you may not have covered the previous evening, on whole day game drive you can opt to carry lunch box so you won’t come back to the lodge for lunch or simply return to the lodge for lunch after the morning game drive.  Explore all the possibilities of the park going to the rivers to see the crocodiles and the hippos on top of the wildlife you will be able see on this day. Later return to the lodge for dinner and overnight stay

Day 4 of 7 days   Tanzania wildlife safari : Transfer from Serengeti to Ngorongoro

In the morning aftet breakfast,  you check out and transfer to Ngorongoro crater , you will have a brief stop at Olduvai gorge  the famous archeological site where Dr lois Leakey  discovered the oldest skull “ zinja thropus” . later proceed to Ngorongoro crater. Upon arrival, you will check in at your lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

7 days Tanzania wildlife safari
Ngorongoro wildlife

Day 5 of 7 days Tanzania wildlife safari: whole day ngorongoro crater.

In the morning you will have breakfast and later head into wilderness in search for wild game, ngorongoro is such as a huge wildlife area filled with lots of attractions including the crater, which you will have an opportunity of experiencing, you will be able to see the big five and other wildlife such as the giraffes, zebras, wildebeest, jackals, hyenas, topis, Thomson gazelles, olive baboons.  if you carried your luch box with , you will have lunch in the park but  if you did not, you will have  lunch at later head back for the afternoon session of the game drive.

Day 6 of 7 days Tanzania wildlife safari: Transfer to Tarangire national park.

In your 6th of your 7 days Tanzania wildlife safari you will transfer to Tarangire national park famous for the huge baobab trees and large herds of elephants,   upon arrival, you will check at your lodge for lunch, later after lunch you will head for a game drive in park searching for wild game, you will encounter lions, elephants, zebras, giraffes, buffaloes, wildebeests , cheetahs, leopards among others.

 Later retire to your lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 7  of 7 day Tanzania wildlife safari: transfer to Arusha.

Early in the morning, you will head for a game drive in the park in search for wild game as well maximizing your opportunities of seeing wildlife   which couldn’t have seen  the previous day . later head  back to the lodge, check out and transfer to Arusha.

End of the safari

The tour includes

Park entry and activities

Accommodation on full board basis.

English speaking guide.


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