2023 – 2024 Tanzania National park entry fees : Tanzania is one of the leading tourist attractionsin Africa as it receives millions of visitors through theyear. It has more than twenty (20) national parks that are well parked with many different wild animals, vegetation and the natural features that attract most of the people around the world.

What is the Best Safari Park in Tanzania?

Below are different entry fees for the national parks in Tanzania for the year 2024

  • Serengeti national park- it’s the leading destination in Tanzania that most of the visitors around theworld visit Serengeti and Kilimanjaro. The Serengeti national park animals can be easily viewedas they are scattered in this land of endless plains as named by the Maasai people. The weather condition of the Serengeti national park is spectacular; the Serengeti national parks hotels areamazing with a breath-taking view of the animals as well as the different plants species. VisitSerengeti national park today and participate in different activities, and see the Serengeti national park big five animals with the entry fee below.
  • East African Country’s citizen above the age of 16- 10,000.
  • East African Country’s citizen between ages five to fifteen years (5-15)- 2,000/= Tanzanian shillings, while children between the ages of 0-5 is free.

    2023 Tanzania National park entry fees
    Serengeti wildlife
  • None East African Country’s citizens above sixteen (16) of age- 70 USD during the high season between 16th of May- 14thMarch, while in low season its 60 USD from 15th of March to 16th
  • The None East African Country’s citizen from age five to fifteen years (5-15) pays 30 USD in both the low season and high season. (this refers to everyone except the ones holding the nationality of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi). The children below the age of five (5) years do not pay entry fee.
  • Lake Manyara national park, Arusha national park and Tarangire national park- these national parks have the same entry fee, but they all have the uniqueness.

The Tarangire national park is well known due to its large population of elephants and mini migration of the animals during the dry season. Most of the Tarangire national park animals can be easily spotted during the dry season as they surround around the Tarangire river for water.

The lake Manyara national park is the home of the lions that climb trees, visit lake Manyara today and enjoy to participate in different activities, enjoy the weather of the Lake Manyara national park and its birds.

Below is the entry fee for these 3 national parks that are located on the northern part of Tanzania.

  • East African Country’s citizen above the age of 16- 10,000, 2023 Tanzania National park entry fees.
  • East African Country’s citizen between ages 5-15- 2,000 while children between the ages of 0-5 is free.
  • None East African Country’s citizens above 16 of age- 50 USD during the high season between 16th of May- 14th March, while in low season its 45 USD from 15th of March to 16th
  • The None East African Country’s citizen from age 5-15 pays 15USD in both the low season and high season while the children below the age 5 they do not pay entry fee.
  • Gombe and Mahale national park- these national parks as are well known because of the large population of the chimpanzee. Have the perfect opportunity to learn about the chimpanzee, trek on the mountains of Mahale and Gombe to see different species of chimpanzee. Below are the entry fees for these national parks.
  • East African Country’s citizen above the age of 16- 10,000 for the Gombe and Mahale national park
  • East African Country’s citizen between ages 5-15- 2,000 while children between the ages of 0-5 is free.
  • None East African Country’s citizens above 16 of age- 100 USD for the Gombe national park while Mahale national park is 80 USD per adult.
  • The None East African Country’s citizen from age 5-15 pays 40 USD for both Mahale and Gombe national park. For the children below the age of 5 they do not pay entry fee.
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