2022 Tanzanian tourism statistics : Like most of the sectors around the world, the tourism sector was badly affected by the COVID-19. But by the end of 2022 the international tourism is back on its feet by 65%.  The internal tourism statistics shows that the about 700 million tourists travelled around the world between the months of January to September 2022.  This great improvement was because of the increase in confidence and the lower risks of getting infected because of the vaccine and the lifting in the restrictions in most of the tourisms destinations around the world including Tanzania.

In Tanzania between the periods of January to July the number of tourists that visited was recorded as 742,133 tourists.  The numbers have greatly increased compared to 2021 which was 456,266 which shows that there is the improvement of 62.7% while the 30% of these tourists have passed through Zanzibar Island.

Which countries visit Tanzania the most?

 The statistics shows that most of the visitors were from the United State of America and for the duration of one month an average of 51, 301 Americans visited Tanzania while the 47,403 visitors were from France.  Most of the tourists from Africa they came from Kenya, from the month of January to July 86,220 Kenya’s visited Tanzania, while 54,877 people from Burundi visited different tourism destinations in Tanzania.

The national Bureau of Statistics

The national Bureau of statistics shows that the number of visitors increased between July to October, which added the number of visitors from January to October to reach up to 1, 175,695.  Comparing to 2021 the number of visitors who visited this up to this month was 716,714 tourists. Comparing these two years, the statistics shows that there was the increase of 458,956 visitors compared to the previous year. According to these figures, Tanzania is increasingly welcoming tourists from all parts of the world, 2022 Tanzanian tourism statistics

The Royal Tour Documentary film by Tanzanian President

The increase in the number of visitors in Tanzania safari tour for the year 2022 was due to the government effort that was put in place. One of the effective and most attractive effort includes the Royal Tour Documentary Film by the president of the United Republic of Tanzania.  During her official tour to the US in April 2022, Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan launched the film “The Royal Tour” to promote FDIs (Foreign Direct Investments). It shows Emmy Award-winning journalist Peter Greenberg visiting Tanzania with President Samia Suluhu Hassan and was shot throughout that country in 2021.

The royal tour film has led to the increase in the number of tourists in many Tanzania safari destinations from all over the world and played the major role in the increase of number of visitors for tourism activities.

2022 Tanzanian tourism statistics
Royal Tour

How much does tourism contribute to GDP in Tanzania 2022?

The revenue collected between Januarys to April 2022 was about 1.5 USD which is twice as the amount that was collected same time on the previous year. By the end of September Tanzania has collected the revenue of USD 22443.8 million which is a great improvement this the occurrence of the COVID-19.

What is the ranking of Tanzania in tourism?

Tanzania is ranked as the fifth-best country in SSA (Sub Saharan African), according to the data (and 81st globally out of 117 countries, up from 86th in 2019).

Which area to stay in Tanzania?

Serengeti National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tarangire National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro National Park, Arusha National Park, Zanzibar Islands, Udzungwa Mountain National Park, and Mikumi National Park are just a few of the well-known national parks and tourist destinations in Tanzania. Ruaha National Park is also one of the parks that facilitated the arrival of many tourists in Tanzania during Tanzania safari vacations.

Mwagusi in the Ruaha National Park is one of the best places to stay in Tanzania for a safari experience close to nature. You may truly feel like you’re getting away from it all at this camp, which is run by an experienced owner-guide. The lodging is in bandas, 2022 Tanzanian tourism statistics

What is the future of Tanzania tourism?

The majority of Tanzania’s sectors are beginning to take off; the country’s tourism industry anticipates 6 billion dollars in income by 2025, assuming an annual tourist population of roughly 5 million. Tanzania plans to invest more in the tourism industry by repairing roads, upgrading lodging options, and expanding airport infrastructure.

Travel and Tanzania’s tourist industry are advancing into the future by incorporating new travel trends into their ecology and making them more accessible to the general people. People like contactless methods because everything else is done online, 2022 Tanzanian tourism statistics

In order to protect Tanzania’s natural and cultural resources, the Tanzanian government is actively working to establish and promote sustainable growth in the travel and tourist industry. Therefore, the government is concentrating on drawing in wealthy visitors who are less likely to damage the local way of life and the environment.

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