2022 Ngorongoro Crater Lake park entry fees : Ngorongoro is the world’s largest inactive caldera that was formed due to the gigantic volcanic eruptions and located on the northern part of Tanzania is the most beautiful tourism attraction with the best scenery lovely for photo taking. The Ngorongoro crater is about 600m deep, 16km across and 265 kilometer in area. The landscape is dessert like areas swamps land and the green oasis that is covered by the wide range of wildlife.

 The word Ngorongoro is the Maasai word which means the gift of life and from the moment you step into this incredible land is when you will realize why it’s named that way. This crater is the home of many wild animals and more incredibly is the home of the big five rest, if its your dream to see the big five then here is the perfect place see the big five all at once. The crater is also the home of different bird species, the beautiful pink flamingos have creatively decorated this area around the Empakai crater and water falls. Most significantly Ngorongoro crater has the largest population of lions in East Africa. It’s almost impossible not to see the lion in the park because there are approximately 62 lions thus 2022 Ngorongoro Crater Lake park entry fees.

The entry fees at the Ngorongoro crater.

Like all other national parks the payment system is the use of credit cards and master cards the currency to be used is the Tanzania shillings or in Dollars.

For the adults of age 16 and above pays the entry fee of 50 USD per person.

For the children between the ages of 5-15 pays 10 USD per person.

While for the children from age 0-4 free entry.

The cost in this national varies depending on what activities you will be engaged in, going down the crater requires you to rent a car mostly in the big cities of Arusha you can get the cars to hire cost for hiring a car a different but if you’re in the group the cost becomes cheaper as it will shared. The entry fee in this national park are valid for 24 hours in the park but the moment you leave the national park that will be the end of the fee, the fee is valid within the national park for 24 hours.

The Ngorongoro crater entry fee is different from the crater services fee even if the entry fee is paid but the fee for descending deep into the crater is different for the game viewing and bird watching activities.

2022 Ngorongoro Crater Lake park entry fees
Ngorongoro Crater Safari

Accommodations inside the Ngorongoro national park are available and their prices varies too the prices can range between 200 to 1,000 USD per person per night. This prices ranges because of the season that you have visited and also depends on the type of accommodations that you want. You can access the most luxuries accommodation to the standard accommodation this basically depends on your budget. Sleeping in the tents and camps are cheaper than sleeping in the luxury hotels. The low season which is normally around March to May this is the rain season in Tanzania hence the environment is not so favorable most of the visitors do not visit during this times of the year. The accommodations and most of the activities in this season are cheaper because it’s the low season most of the hotels are free and their prices are lower at this season, 2022 Ngorongoro Crater Lake park entry fees.

The entry fees varies depending on the age, residence and the activities you want to be involved in. for the residents and the members of the East Africa community they need to have their national identification cards as the proof because charges are different from those who are none resident.

What to see and do with this entry fees at the Ngorongoro crater.

  1. Game drive in Ngorongoro national park

The game drive in this national park is spectacular, the animals are found down deep into the crater. It requires you to pay money for the car that will go down the crater, you will have the opportunity to see different wild animals wondering in crater. The crater covers almost 300 kilometers and is 600 deep the entry to the crater area is normally open around 0600 hours up to 1800 hours.

The perfect time for visiting this national park is around the dry season and its favorable for game drives as the roads are clear and not slippery, also the vegetation is lower hence wildlife can be easily viewed.

2022 Ngorongoro Crater Lake park entry fees
Game Drives in Ngorongoro

The sun clears the blue skies and looks beautiful watching the sunset at the Ngorongoro crater is one of the most unforgettable moments during this times as the sky is clear the beautiful orange-yellow figure can be viewed clearly and with the most spectacular view as it fades away under the land. This is also the best time to watch the nature event, famous as the great migration as the magnificent wildebeest migrate towards the Ngorongoro national park and conservation area.  It is normally the busiest times of the year as there are a lot of tourist visit the park during these times of the year. During the game drive you will have the opportunity different animals and birds that are inhabited here, animals such as over 7000 wildebeests, 4,000 zebras, 3,000 gazelles, over 6,000 spotted black hyenas, 300 elephants, 30 black rhinos and many more animals, Except for the giraffes they are found around the rim of the crater and not inside the crater because it is believed that they cannot go down the crater due to they are heights, 2022 Ngorongoro Crater Lake park entry fees.

  1. The home of more than 550 birds

The Ngorongoro crater is the home of more than 550 birds hence the bird watching activities can take place here. Most of the birds are found here during the wet season the bird watching at this month is perfect, these is also the best time for breading as you will see the baby zebras, baby wildebeest, and many other newly born babies. You will have the opportunity to see different birds such as black kite, lesser flamingos, grey crowned crane, secretary bird, ostrich, white eyed slaty fly catcher, living turaco, Kenya rufous sparrow, black winged lapwing, red and yellow barbet, rufous tailed weaver, rosy throated long claw, Kori bustards and many more. During the wet season the water levels increases on the Lake Magadi and Lake Embagai hence there is a perfect view of the flamingos and other bird species at the park.

  1. Have a cultural tour towards the Maasai community

The Maasai community is found within the conservation area, they are found inside the crater. Have the chance to visit their community and learn about their way of life as they are very unique and their culture cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The Maasai are the pastoralist community, that lives in this area and it’s common to spot them grazing their livestock’s during the nature walks. The nature walks is normally accompanied by the guides as well as the rangers but the grazing Maasai are so you used to this park and hence they are able to graze their livestock with no fear at all. These community has lived in the park for about 200 years so this place is their home.

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