10 Masai Mara National Reserve visitor rules are the various rules and regulations that travelers ought to follow while on Maasai Mara National Reserve safaris all throughout the year. Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya is a popular and most sought after Kenya safari destination by most tourists after safari experiences in Kenya. Masai Mara national Reserve Kenya is a popular tourist attraction in Kenya and Africa as a whole, rewarding travelers with unforgettable Africa safari experiences. Maasai Mara National Reserve contains woodlands, open savanna fields, hills and a lavish vegetation cover all inhabiting a variety of wildlife.

Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya has breath taking views that shall blow your mind away (literally). With a size of 1,510 square kilometers, Maasai Mara national Reserve is a vast savannah safari destination filled with so much to see and explore. Given that the Masai Mra is much sought after and that the reserve is quite large, and for the need to protect and conserve the wildlife in Maasai Mara national reserve, there are a number of rules and guidelines set up that travelers ought to follow whilst on their Maasai Mara National Reserve safari.

10 Masai Mara National Reserve Visitor Rules
Maasai Mara wildebeest

Below are the top 10 Masai Mara National Reserve visitor rules that travelers ought to follow while on Masai Mara National Reserve safaris;

  1. Maintain a 50km/hour driving speed whilst in the Masai Mara National Reserve. This is to protect the wildlife and the entire ecosystem, as well as avoid accidents while driving inside Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya.
  2. Always maintain a safe distance away from the wild game during game viewing, to avoid interfering with the animal behaviour. Not more than 5 vehicles are allowed to gather to spot the same wildlife spectacle or sight; take turns in doing this least you scared the animals and they leave or even disrupt their routine or way of life.
  3. Noise in the park is not allowed. Avoid making noise, honking, or even playing music inside the park is not allowed as the sounds scare and startle the animals thus causing confusion.
  4. While on game drives in Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya, going off track is not allowed. Leave as little carbon footprint as much as possible. Not driving off track protects the animals but also the tourists as veering from the usual routes may result into you getting lost in the wilderness; the Masai Mara is over 1000 square kilometers big.
  5. Do not get out of your safari vehicle. Getting out of safari vehicles is only allowed in selected wildlife viewing points along the river and also at designated picnic sites. This rule is in place to mostly protect you the tourist; you are in the wilderness after all.
  6. Feeding animals is not allowed. Leave the animals keep their wild nature. Feeding them results into the animals abandoning their natural and normal instinct of hunting or foraging thus disrupting their feeding behaviours and the ecosystem as a whole. Respect the animals.
  7. Avoid littering in Maasai Mara National Reserve Kenya. Protect the environment and the wildlife therein. Keep your rubbish with you and dispose of it in designated areas. Your food wraps, tissue, and anything else you did not find in the Masai Mra national Reserve should not be left there. Leave the reserve as you found it.
  8. Do not block the river crossing, during the Maasai Mara National Reserve wildebeest migration season. Also avoid driving through animals herds but instead slow down for the animals to cross or scatter on their own.
  9. Do not take any specimen from the park, without explicit approval from designated park officials. If you are found with specimen from the Masai Mara National Reserve like bones, feathers, stones, plants, flowers or anything you are liable for damages.
  10. Masai Mara National Reserve opens at 6:00am in the morning and closes at 7pm. Be sure to observe these timings. Note that the sun sets at 6:30pm in Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya, be sure to have found your way out then lest you found yourself in the dark and in an unknown location.

Travelers are advised to follow the Masai Mra National Reserve rules and regulations, to protect not only themselves but also the wildlife in the park. We are already interfering with their natural habitat and disturbing their peace with game drives, respect the animals and the environment that future generations can also enjoy what we are enjoying now.

10 Masai Mara National Reserve Visitor Rules
10 Masai Mara National Reserve Visitor Rules

Tourists who default the Masai Mara National Reserve visitor rules are liable to strict penalties given to them by park authorities. Some of the penalties include paying fines on the spot, or even be banished from the reserve with immediate effect.

Travelers out on Masai Mara National Reserve safaris are advised to follow these Masai Mara National Reserve visitor rules at all times to protect themselves and the wildlife in the park. Get in touch with a reputable tour operator to help you arrange an amazing Kenya safari tour visiting Masai Mara national Reserve, providing you with skilled and knowledgeable guides who shall help you follow the necessary Masai Mara National Reserve visitor rules.

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